Page 13 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 13

Senior Megan Sallach  and  Heather Marr
                                                                                           take  advantage of their senior privileges.
                                                                                           They report to their one and only study hall
                                                                                           of their first semester. Students only needed
                                                                                           to attend school a half day on  the  first  day.
                                                                                           (Ted Graham)
                                                                                           Senior Dan  Olson  ponders his  schedule.
                                                                                           Students received their  schedules before
                                                                                           school.  (Ted Graham)

                                                             Student council  members help  new  and   Senior student council member Sabrina Ogaz
                                                             returning students feel  welcome by  giving   helps  freshmen Brooke Bode and  Melissa
                                                             them  pencils.  Senior Correy Webb and   Bert learn  the  secrets of high school.
                                                              freshman  Aimee Gillette receive them from   (Michelle Bert)
                                                             senior Nicole Brown.  (Michelle Bert)
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