Page 99 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 99
After school, Sophomores Jennifer
Meyer and Mike Johnette meet in
the halls to discuss their weekend
plans. (Kerrie Adair)
Not being able to park on school
grounds was not always great for
sophomores. Sophomores Amber
LeVier and Shannon McMahon make
the best of it by chatting in their car
before school on "sophomore row."
(Melanie Goddard)
Enjoying being at school and loving
being a sophomore are friends Carrie
Myers. Melanie Henderson, and Amy
Gustafson. (Melanie Goddard)
Only given five minutes during
passing period make it hard for
students to talk, but Sophomores
Allison Becker, Lisa Boumstein, and
Dana Zucker take the time and
make sure each other know what is
up in their world. (Kerrie Adair)
Spreading school spirit and often
sharing a smile are sophomores
Heather Beasley, Jane Winkel. and
Carolyn Taggert get" psyched "for
the Homecoming Pep Rally .
(Kerr ie Adair)