Page 117 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 117
The last day of sixth grade. What
memories! Sophomores Ben
Thompson. Janna Hillman. and
Sunny Dainty show how much they
look forward to the summer and
seventh grade. (Julie Jaspersen)
How cute? Third grade at
Cottonwood brings back memories
of the field trip to downtown. Juniors
Mike Tesmer and Todd Doxzon stroll in
Central Park Mall as "buddies". The
field trip consisted of visiting museums
and eating on the top of the
Woodman. C Katie Ecklund)
Remembering back to those days of
seventh grade at Kiewit is Freshman
Richelle Turnquist . She shows off her
goggles in Industrial Arts .
( Koree Taylor)
Fun Memories Bring Laughter
• Jill Hoover •
Remember those seemed basic. the punlshmentwasn'tas fun. friends and I hurried and put
days of walking to schooL Some incidents and The teachers made us write it out. The teacher didn't
raising hands at lunch, lining not-so-funny things will never down who was involved. At- see it happen, but she did
up and being quiet. Those be forgotten about those ter they all were turned in, see the hole in the carpet!"
were just a few of the tedi- "good ole' days." Junior B. J.. every time your name was Memories remem-
ous, and funny things the Ballard remembers in sixth written down, you had a 45- bered from younger years
teachers "made" us do. grade at his elementary minute detention!" were looked back upon and
The younger years of schooL Morton," Around Eas- Senior Jake Hearron also re- considered humorous, but
the lives of the students ter, our whole sixth grade clas's members his days dt Montclair the times spent in those years
seemed humorous and fun had an "eggs-citingday".That Elementary. " I remember will never be forgotten.
to look back on. The things was when we all brought· when we had an experiment Memories happen every
that the students went about two eggs and al~ at with magnifying glasses. I put moment, so just look back
through every· day were once threw them at the about eight on top of each and say, " Remember
normal and sometimes hard schooL Let me tell you it was other and put them in sun- When!"
backthen,buttodaythey really fun when we did it, but light. This caused a fire! My