Page 29 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 29
To Quit Your Job
10. If the restaurant I worked in burned
down -freshman Lance Bail ey.
9. If my boss didn't pay me enough cash--
freshman Tim Francis.
8. If I worked at McDonald 's and I didn't like
the color of the yellow lettuce- freshman Mike
7. Having old foggies tell me what to do all
the time -junior Brian Lucas.
6. Making me do things out of the realm of
my job description, like scrubbing the inside of
ca rdboard balers -senior Scott Hansen.
5. Poor management, long shifts, complaining
customers and insuffi cient hourly wages.
Management does not think that we go to
school so they schedule us for 8-hour shifts
when we've been at school all day, and we
need to do homework and study for tests. You
try to talk to management and they don't
listen. All they ca re about is running the
business. -senior Mi chell e Allen.
4. If I slipped on a taco and was so
embarrassed I got a new job. -sophomore April
). If someone 1 ca ll ed threatened me, traced
me down, and tried to kill me like Charles
Manson or somebody -seni or Wendy Schmit.
2. If 1 got my hand ca ught in the broiler, and
it ca used permanent ugly scars for the rest of
my life -junior john Howell.
1. Not enough good-looking girls -freshman
john Wise.
Often. when students open up their wallets and
purses. nothing but change falls out. Juni ors Vickey
Cass and Alice Hill count what little change they
have left. (Jon Waller)
A salesma n helps out Jennifer Naro selec t a jacket.
Without a job. it is difficult to make such a purchase.
(Laminda Bush)