Page 30 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 30
Fall Musical Takes On
Spanish Tradition
Talented cast perfects rare, yet classic Man of La Mancha
• Debbi Eades •
Original ... Exciting ... Fun ... Per- atmosphere. "When working on a piG)
fect ... From the first note struck , down to there can't be a high stress level, or it ju~
the last carefully choreographed punch, isn 't going to work right," said Senic
the cast and crew of Man of La Mancha Nate Underwood , who played the par
used these words to describe the fall of Don Quixote.
musical. "Probably what I liked best wa
Since the play was fairly un- working with my friends and discoverin~
known, the cast had to work extra hard how much talent everyone had," saic
to interpret the script. "I thought the Junior Alice Lin , who played one of thE
audience would have trouble under- prisone rs. "I had wanted to do this musi
standing it, because it's a play within a cal for a long time, and the final picturE
play," said Junior Lindsay KeHeler, who was perfect!" said Director Terry Peter
played the part of Antonia. son.
Whether Junior Becky Leach was In the end, everyone involvec
getting to practice her slapping tech- came together to make it all happen. lr
niques on Mr. Peterson, or Junior Tom fact. said Junior Melissa ConnelL " It wa
Dempsey was consistently changing his a definite challenge, but that's the kine
lines, the rehearsals always had a light of experience you don't soon forget."
A Muleteer (Junior Pete Burquist) lustfully harrasses Between rehearsing scenes, the orchestra
Aldonza (Junior Becky Leach) in the tavern. members keep themselv es busy down in the pit.
(Christina Hooper) (Michelle Cadmus)
Padre (Sen ior Bryan Crawtord) sings "To Each His
Dulcinea" before going off in search of Don
26Fall Musical Quixote. (Sandy Peterson )