Page 105 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 105

Most of the junior varsity players consists
                                                                                           of freshmen. Freshmen Dustin Champlin
   Chess  Team Undefeated                                                                  and  Dean  Mueggenberg get  in  some
                                                                                           extra practice games before the
                                                                                           tournament.  (Michelle Bert)
                                    -Alice Lin

         Playing five matches per  ability  to  use  their  mind  and   made  and  the  moves that  my
   season  plus  the  Metro tourna-  maintain the interest of the game.   opponents made so I could plan
   ment ,  the  Chess  team  went  "When I got involved in  a match,  a strategy to  win.  This strategy
   undefeated  for  a  third  straight  I often found myself deep in con-  was used in  order to  recognize
   year .                      centration.  Much  skill  was  certain  patterns  played  during
         The  team  consisted of  needed to maintain a worthwhile  the  game,"  said  Junior Chris
   15  players,  all  men  and  no   game,"  said  Senior Jonathan  Mierzejewski.
   women.  There  were  5  varsity  Cohn.                            Each  game  of  chess
   players  and  10  junior varsity.   Besides concentration,  provided  for  a  unique  experi-
   Sponsor  Bart Wormington  said ,  players needed to learn the strat-  ence for the  mind  of  each  stu-
   "Chess  was  a game of strategy  egy in  order to  win.  As the say-  dent.  "Chess provided students
   and  tactics .  Since we  have so   ing  goes, "practice makes per-  with an interest to think and have
   many  men  on  the team,  some-  fect."  Practice rounds were usu-  fun  while  they  were  doing  it.
   day  I would  like  to  see  some  ally Monday afternoons.  Some   Chess is a fun game to play and
   women  join.  It would be  an  ex-  strategys used was trial and er-  challenging for all.  It  gave play-
   perience  for them."         ror or learning from  books.   ers  a  certain  aggressive  side
         Students who  were  in-    "When  I  played  chess,   that they  normally did  not  por-
   volved  with  chess  needed  an   wrote  down  the  moves  that   tray," said Wormington.

                                                                                                       Engle, Aaron
                                                                                                       Erbe, Jodi
                                                                                                       Ernst, Stacey
                                                                                                       Evans, Marshall
                                                                                                       Evans, Shawn
                                                                                                       Failla, Jenny
                                                                                                       Feelhaver, Jacy

                                                                                        _ ,....,....,..-- __ --.,.,_ Fielder,  Heather
                                                                                                       Finken ,Stephanie
                                                                                                       Fischer, Kurt
                                                                                                       Fischer, Wendy
                                                                                                       Fish , Margaret
                                                                                                       Fitch , Leanna

                                                                                                       Floody, Kim
                                                                                                       Flores, Kim
                                                                                                       Flynn , Ryan
                                                                                                       Fosmer, Cory
                                                                                                       Francis, Tim
                                                                                                       Fry, Jessica
                                                                                                       Fuhrmann, Brent
                                                                                                        Gass, Mitchell
                                                                                                        Gaydos, Jennifer
                                                                                                        Gdovic, Michael
                                                                                                        Gehrki, Lindsey
                                                                                                        Gerdes, Jamie
                                                                                                        Gibson, Tricia
                                                                                                        Gidley, Hope
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