Page 106 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 106
Giles, Brian
Giles, John
Gloede, Scott
Gonzales, Lisa
Gough, Heidi
Graham, Theodore
Grant, Erin
Graves, Melissa
Gray, Molly
Grigg, Alexander
Groff, Jana
Hager, Krista
Hales, Tracy
Hall , Christopher
Hamilton, Brian
Hamilton, Donald
Hansen, Angela
Hansen, Jami
Hansen, Jason
Hansen, Michael
Hargrove, Derek
Have , Philippe
Hayes, Jennifer
Hearron, Elizabeth
Heese, Jennifer
Helligso, Trisha
DECA: front-Christopher VanHorn, Brandon Larson, DeAnna
Frenk, Melody Dennis, Jerad Clark, Brad Ralph, Todd Jaworski;
second row-Advisor Tracy Ross, Sarah Barr, Chad Safranek,
Jennifer Crites, Angie Ringling, Cory Lesley, Lee Olson,
Matthew Thurber, Sarah Spitznagel, Kari VanWinkel, Kim
Larson, Laura Anderson, Kelli Welsh, Ann Pearson, Bianca
Cox; third row- Douglas Mason, Brett Ray, Bob Bunjer, Ann
Heany, Pat Leger, Elizabeth Hunter, Andrew Holt, Ryan Nelson,
Kelli King, Allison Lindhjem, Ronald Jones, Jacqueline LeGros,
Advisor Gary Waldron; back- Amy Hosceid, David Lasio,
Andrew Glock, Cally Beam, Michelle Herrera, Chad Tenery,
Victoria Cass, Bryce Penke, Brian Lightwine, Chris Wilkins,
Craig Vanis, Alice Hill , Jeff Watkins, Andrew Allison, Rich Seniors Jacqueline LeGros, Angie Ringling, Brandon
LaFave.( ALex Ghali) Larson, Christopher VanHorn, and Junior Cory
Lesley compare notes on upcoming events at the
DECA Districts. The districts were held at South roads
Mall.( Alex Ghali)
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