Page 107 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 107

Club lnTop Eight

                                     -   Jolene Lundgren                                    Club  members  Juniors Andrea  Cade
         At  the  start of the new  Ross.                     early fall.                   and Brad Ralph celebrate some victories
   school  year some students sat   For example, one of  the       Not only did DECA just do   at  the  DECA  Districts.  Andrea  Cade
   and  pondered  what clubs they  major projects was getting mem-  projects, but they also tried to   placed in  the top eight that day.
   should  join for the year.  DECA  bers involved with the class rings   enjoy themselves once  in   (Alex Ghali)
   was one club that was on the list   sales.  The  senior officers   awhile. Colin Campbell a former
   for  the  90  students who joined.  worked closely with Jostens rep-  student from  MN  worked  to-
   What  was  DECA?  Fun , leader-  resentatives to  improve the   gether with  the club to  design
   ship,  and  experience.      sales of class rings and  it  be-  sweatshirts.  Other activities
          DECA,   Distributive  came a major fund raiser.     included a trip to Worlds of Fun
   Education  Club  of  America,       In  January five  mem-  with MSHS and a night of bowl-
   w as  a marketing  club for stu-  bers placed in  the top eight in   ing .
   dent s  who  had  an  interest in   Districts  Competition  at   Joining Ross  as  advisor
   busin ess.  Club members who   South roads Mall. Qualifying for   was  Business Teacher Gary
   w ere  in  Marketing I and II , or  this were Seniors Angie Ringling   Waldron.  Club  President was
    Fashion  Merchandising had to   ,  DeAnna Frenk,  Kim  Larson,   Senior Matthew Ferguson. Kim
    sell  a Pleasure  Pak or a Hap-  and Kim  Stigge for Apparel and   Stigge, DeAnna Frenk, Melody
    penin gs  book for their dues.   Accessories, and Junior Andrea   Dennis,  and  Brandon  Larson
                 " DECA mem-    Cade for Finance and Credit.   were Senior officer board mem-
    bers are typically self-motivated,   In addition, DECA donated   bers.
    dedicated  students who looked  money to  the  Kenyatta Bush   If   one   thing  was
    for way s to get ahead. This year  Memorial Scholarship fund.   acomplished throughout the
    we had  members with  a  keen   Bush was a state DECA officer   year experience,  leadership and
    and  competitive  marketing in-  and  an  Omaha North  student   fun  were just that.
    terest ," said Club Advisor  Tracy  who was abducted and killed in
                                                                                                        Helms, Jamie
                                                                                                        Helvering, Robert
                                                                                                        Hennen, Elizabeth
                                                                                                        Henry, Brent
                                                                                                        Henry, Michael
                                                                                                        Hensky, Kristin
                                                                                                        Herrington, Jason

                                                                                                        Hickerson, Betsy
                                                                                                        Hilkemann, Todd
                                                                                                        Hiscox, Joshua
                                                                                                        Hix, Sara
                                                                                                        Hoeft, JJ
                                                                                                        Holmes, Shannon
                                                                                                        HopkiJlS , Eyde

                                                                                                        Horani, Jessica
                                                                                                        Horton, Timothy
                                                                                                        Hottovy, Joy
                                                                                                        House, LaTonyi
                                                                                                        Howard, Kristen
                                                                                                        Howland, David
                                                                                                        Hoy, Randy

                                                                                                         Huber, Robert
                                                                                                         Huff, Marjorie
                                                                                                         Hukill, Dennis
                                                                                                         Hunter, Jason
                                                                                                         Hurkman, Sonya
                                                                                                         Hutfles, Jay
                                                                                                        Ivers, Michael
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