Page 212 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 212
Teams End On Winning Note
-Angie Meier
The Freshman Boys Bryan , and Papillion-LaVista. standing record of 12-2. They
BasketbaiiTeams had a winning At the Intercity Tourna- stomped Omaha Westside, Freshman Eric Brown leaps for a lay-up
season, and the Sophomore ment that closed the season , Bellevue East, Millard South, and a hopefully a win for the team against
team dominated all but two op- the A team faced off against the Omaha Burke, Council Bluffs Omaha Gross. (Oana Zucker)
posing teams. rival Millard South team . The Thomas Jefferson, Papillion-
The frosh A team game was a toss-up until the tail La Vista, and Omaha South
stomped Lewis Central and end, when Freshman Chris among others.
squeezed by Omaha Creighton Finnegan let loose a last ditch The only losses were to
Prep with a close 59-58 point shot at the buzzer and scored Lincoln Northeast and Omaha
score. A heartbreaking defeat for the Mustang win . The final Bryan by very narrow margins.
was to Millard South by just a season records were14 and 1 Coach Dave Bacon said,"The
one point margin. for the A team, and 7 and 3 for team completed a successful
The B team suc- the B squad. year, individually players all
cumbed to Prep, but went on to The Sophomore team improved their skill levels and
smash Millard South, Omaha ended its season with an out- improved as a unit."
Freshman 8 oy s: Fro nt-C h ri s
Finnegan, Ben Geis, Sam
Potter, DougValenti, Mike
Santamarla,Brandt Vlieger, David
Sakwenk. Second row-Chris Deiloff,
Jeff Nemeciek, Eric Brown, Jason
Matter, Mike Boggs, Brian Herrera, Joe
Barnhart, Coach Chip Bahe. Back-
Matt Speiker, Doug Downey, Josh
Evans, Kevin Ullrich , Mike Caron .
(Jack Martin Photography)
Freshman Josh Evans takes his best
shot for a score against Omaha
Gross.(Oana Zucker)