Page 208 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 208
Mustang Record Surprises Fans
The BoysVarsity Bas- beating of 54-52. However, the the consolation game 72-54. wearing basketballs on their
ketball team slammed its sea- guys suffered a loss to Omaha After beating Gross, the boys heads, using silly-string, conĀ·
son to a close with a record of Central due to what Coach Ron suffered a three game losing fetti , and the "Shag-0-Meter'
10-9. Johnette described as "fatigue." streak to Burke, Bellevue (a tally of Augustine's points for
The season opened At the next game, the Mustang East, and Bryan. Senior the night).
with a 32 point win over defend- supporters, outnumbering the Brian Augustine said," We Although Lincolr
ing State Champion, Omaha crowd at Number One Westside, needed to concentrate Southeast defeated the guys.
Benson. Senior Brian Augus- cheered the team on for a final of harder. We lost our rhythm." they bounced back and beai
tine, who led scoring by 14 46-45. "Beating the Warriors on Then, the Mustangs got back Lincoln Northeast. After losin!;
points, continued the following their own court made the victory on track and defeated North, the last game to South, thE
night against the Indians. Al- even sweeter," said Senior Mike Tee Jay, and Northwest. team concentrated on Districts
though Millard South was Moriarty. When Papillion vis- where they were beaten b'y
ranked eighth, the Mustangs When the Mustangs ited, then ranked first, the Prep in the first round.
were able to fly on by for a win played in the Holiday Tourney, Mustangs made them de- Despite what somE
of 54-45. they were defeated by Millard serve their win of one point. critics forcasted for the sea-
Creighton Prep South in a close game. How- Despite the loss, Mustang son, the Mustangs proved thai
stopped by the next week for a ever, the boys beat Northwest in fans showed their support by they were a capable team.
At the opening round at Districs in
Bellevue, Junior Adam Bealle drives
past a Prep player. Despite the loss,
the Mustangs ended the season at
10-9. (Alex Hen')
Hitting the boards was Senior Matt
Ferguson at Bellevue East, getting the
outlet pass to Senior Heath Taylor for
a potential fast break. (Alex Hen')
Overcoming the tough defense of
Burke, Junior Adam Bealle takes the
shot to keep the game close. The
Mustangs were defeated 71-60.
(Jon Wallet')
Boys Varsity