Page 216 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 216
Hard Work Brings Experience
-Wendy Malesa
Both swimmers and stressed in the swimming prac- both teams placed the girls 2nd place 1st in the 1 00 meter
divers had 3-5 hrs. of prac- tices and the meets," said div- with 188 points and boys 5th backstroke, and 2nd in the
tices 5 days a week. "Having ing coach Dan Murphy. with 151 points in the Metro fi- 200 individual medley. Senior
long , hard practices helped Sacrifices were made nals. Rachel Handren placed 2nd in
build both strong bodies and by teammates to improve as a Eight that qualified for the 1 00 butterfly and Seniors
friendships, which made com- team and individually to help state placed. "It was a good Ron Jones and Colette
petition a little less stressful. the team win. "It was a lot of feeling to know that all the Reinhard placed 4th in the div-
However, it did not take away hard work. I cut down on my hard work and time I put into ing competition . Senior Ryan
all of the stress," said Junior work schedule and spent diving really paid off for me, and Horner placed 2nd in 200 indi-
Jessica Mai. most of my spare time study- also helped my team as well ," vidual medley and 3rd in 100
Teammates also held ing and less time socializing. To said Senior Ron Jones. The backstroke. Boys 200 medley
blue/silver intramurals, in win it took a lot of patience, girls placed 5th with 136 points placed 3rd.
which they competed against determination, and guts," said and boys placed 6th with 1 02 "The whole team im-
each other. No matter what Junior Colette Reinhard. points at the state meet. proved dramatically through-
kind of practice was being The improve- Placing individually were out the whole season ," said
held, "safety was always ment and determination from Junior Steph Torrens who did Coach Murphy.
During a morning practice, two
swimmers practice a freestyle relay in
preparation for an upcoming meet.
(Ted Graham)
Senior Brian Kelpe dives into the pool The swimmers warm up before the
to help bring victory to one of the boys' Metro finals where the girls placed 2nd
relays. (Ted Graham) with 188 points, and the boys placedS ih
with 151 points. (Ted Graham)