Page 207 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 207

In  the  game  ag ainst  Bellevue  East,
                                                                                             Francesca  Gasparini  tries  for  the
                                                                                             rebound to  help the  mustangs
                                                                                             (Dana  Zucker)
                                                                                             Freshman Girls Basketball:  front-
                                                                                             Coach  Laura  Siemens,  Theresa
                                                                                             Kostrunek,  Amy  Dambrosia,  Nicole
                                                                                             Bartosh, Michelle  Rein ke,  Kelly  Alsup ,
                                                                                             Lacy  Olson,  Laura  Severson,  Emily
                                                                                             Garde Is ; back-Sheila Lahmann, Megan
                                                                                             Warren,  Marcia  Holman,  Em ily  Diehl ,
                                                                                             Francesca Gasparini,  Tracy  Grover,
                                                                                             Jessi Thomsen, Saige Arvanti s, Coach
                                                                                             Kari  Possehl
                                                                                             (Jack Martin Photography)
                                                                                             Freshman Jessi Thomsen shoots a free-
                                                                                             throw to  help  the  lady  Mustangs  in  a
                                                                                             game  against  Bellevue  East.  (Derik

         Frosh                                Conferences

                                       -Jennifer David

                                  team together. The B team was  sons  was  conference tourna-
     •ua""'~"uc'" Teams finished their  led  by  Francesca Gasparini in  ments.  The A team  used
     '""""rm with  an  almost spotless  scoring and rebounds. Although  teamwork to slide by both
           .  The  A  and  B  teams  these players stood out in statis- and Marian in close games whi
         bined fell to only two teams.  tics, there was  no  real  star on  the B team won  by larger mar-
          Lady  Mustangs brought  the team said Coach Siemons.  gins leading the teams to
           both  the A and B confer-     The girls really  had  to  terence victories.
          tournament titles to finish  work together as a unit to get the   "We had a very  cv,~,T,.,n,
         season .                 wins. "Since there was really no  season.  Almost  every  g
            Jessi Thomsen was the  one player that stood out, we all  was a challenge.  The girls
         ing  scorer, averaging eight  had to work hard and count on  ally  came  through when  they
        ints  per game for the A team.  one another. Fortunately, we all  were put in  the tight situations,
         elle  Reinke led the team in  had the chance to play," Fresh- especially during the conference
         sand assists while fulfilling  man Saige Arvantis said.   tournament,"  Coach Siemons
       leadership role  by keeping the   The  finale  to  its  sea- said.

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