Page 210 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 210

Close Losses Taken Tough

                                                                                 -   Ashley Pixton
                                                      The  JV  Boys  Basket-  South. Due to close losses, the   year.  "It  was fun  playing witt-
                                               ball team finished the season a  team  tried  to  concentrate  on   the  older,  more  experiencec
                                               5-11  record,  7 of  which  losses   being  more  consistent defen-  members of the Varsity team
                                               were  close.  Junior Brandon   sively  and  offensively.  "Be-  I learned a lot from them," saic
                                               Hales said , "The team needed   cause of  the  close  losses, the   Sophomore Dale  Barr.  Ban
                                               to work on playing hard through-  team  record  was  not  what we   shared the  information hE
                                               out  the  game  and  not  letting   hoped  for, but there was  indi-  gained from  them and sharec
                                               those close  games slip  to  de-  vidual player improvement  it  with  the  rest of his team.
                                               feat."                        which  should  help  Varsity ac-     The  team  worked  or
                                                       The  team's  close  tion next year," said Coach Ron   playing together, offense anc
                                               losses were to  Bryan, Central,   Johnette.                 defense and trying to preven
                                                Prep, Lincoln Southeast, North-     Two of the  JV players   close losses and were able tc
                                               west,  Lincoln  Northeast,  and   were able to  swing Varsity this   have fun  at the  same time.

                  JV Boys Basketball: front-Dale Barr,
                  Troy  Kirk,  Greg  Mills,  Brad  Hay,
                  Brandon  Hales;  back- Greg  Bolton ,
                  Brian  Bentzinger,  Craig  Hensley,
                  Brandon Hendricks, Mike Hansen, Ron
                  Johnette (Rick Billings Photography)

                                                                             Junior Craig  Hensley throws the ball to
                                                                             a  team  member in  hopes  of  setting
                                                                             up  for  some  points  at  a  home  game
                                                Sophomore Greg Mills shoots a basket   against Northwest.(Me/anie Goddard)
                                                despite  the  stampede  of  the  Omaha
                                                North  Vikings.  Millard  North  won  the
                                                game 50-48. (Melanie Goddard)                                        JV
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