Page 214 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 214

Varsity, JV Finish With Winning Records

                                                         -- Cortney Christensen
                       The  Varsity  Wrestling  Freshmen Haig Christensen and   we were in a rebuilding year, but  Craney.  The  JV  team  also
                Team finished with a season at   Nick Prescott.            I was  pleased  with  our team's  placed second at the Bellevue
                8-2, and a  second at Districts     Six  of  these  wrestlers  results."                 East and  Bellevue West  tour-
                and fifth at State.  A  total of 10  won  state  medals.  Roseland   Junior   Braumon  naments.
                wrestlers qualified for the state  placed  second,  Kinsella  won   Creighton said , "We had trouble   Craney  said  that  the
                tournament,  including  Senior  fourth,  Creighton  placed  sec-  pulling together. Our minds were   team gained a lot of experience
                Tyler Brickell, and Junior Dana  ond,  and  Christensen, Gillotte,  set as individuals, notasateam."  since  they  competed  against
                Gillette,  both  of  whom  placed   and Petersen all  placed sixth.   Junior  Chris Roseland agreed  other  schools in  varsity  tour-
                first  in  their divisions at  dis-  At  the  metro  competi-  that "we had a hard time sticking  naments.  He  said that with  30
                tricts.                      tion,  the  varsity team  got third   together,  but  we  all  pulled  to-  consecutive wins  over  three
                       Others who made it  to   place, with eight medal winners.   gether at state."     years, "it was a very enjoyable
                state  included Seniors Dan         Coach  Rick  Allgood          The JV wrestling team  season."
                Kinsella, Shane Petersen,  said,  "We  were very consistent  finished with a perfect record of   Freshmen wrestlers
                Steve  Latusick,  Juniors Chris  finishing  no  lower than  third  in   10-0.  This is the third consecu-  placed  at  Norfolk,  Papillion ,
                Roseland, Brauman Creighton,   any of  our tournaments during  tive year that the team  has gone  and Boys Town, and  won  two
                Sophomore Reed Nyffeler, and   the season.  I felt as coach that  unbeaten under Coach  Dan   meets in  December alone.

                                                                                                         Varsity and JV Wrestling: front-Brad
                                                                                                         Cordle, Steve Latusick, J.J. Hoeft , Erik
                                                                                                         Mockelstrom, Braumon Creighton , JerĀ·
                                                                                                         emy Thomason,  Chris  Roseland , Dan
                                                                                                         Kinsella,  Scott Renard.  second row-
                                                                                                         Eric Park, Brooks Dameier, Bret  John-
                                                                                                         son, Cory Caniglia, Nick Smith , Jerem y
                                                                                                         Harstick, Ryan Romero, Reed  Nyffe ler,
                                                                                                         Matt Peters, Matt Cole rick , Zach Petrick,
                                                                                                         Chris Lanoha,  Aaron  Rhoda ,  Charles
                                                                                                         Lee.  back row- Coach  Dan  Crane y,
                                                                                                         Coach Jeff Salberg, Adam  Mohr , Henk
                                                                                                         de  Boer, Troy Molstad, Nick  Presc ott,
                                                                                                         Corey Johnson. Shane Petersen , Matt
                                                                                                         Claunch, Dan Gillette, Bryan Scherbrin g,
                                                                                                         John Wise,  Mike  Meysenburg, Coach
                                                                                                         Jon Lopez, Coach Rick Allgood . (Jack
                                                                                                         Martin Photography)

               Freshman Kyle Deming wrestles against   Senior Tyler Brickell prepares to wrestle
               Boys Town in  the mezzanine.  Deming   with his opponent at a meet. Brickell was
               completed the  season  with  13  wins.   the district champion for his weight divi-
               (Dana Zucker)                 sion  and finished the  season  with  29
                                             wins. (Andrea Wagaman)
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