Page 219 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 219
Senior Katie Glorvick wrestles with some
Marian Crusaders in an attempt to get a Girls Varsity
rebound. The Mustangs were ranked
fifth in the state at seasons end. Basketball
(Alex Herr)
Benson 48-42
Millard South 34-44
Central 59-14
Fremont 41-46
Westside 60-40
Thomas Jefferson 42-32
Burke 43-41
North 42-38
Bryan 46-21
Burke 47-43
Bellevue East 54-42
Gross 65-42
Bryan 49-43
North 57-65
Thomas Jefferson 47-17
Northwest 60-25
Lincoln Northeast 43-30
Papio/La Vista 39-32
Marian 57-55
South 45-20
South 62-44
Freshman Girls ''Basketball Marian 50-58
Millard South 32-35
" A" Team "B" Team Won 19 Lost 4
Bellevue East 39-18 23-08 Boys/Girls Swimming Girls J.V.
Millard South 34-28 26-10 and Diving
Burke 34-29 Basketball
Bellevue East 45-24 36-00 Boys Girls Thomas Jefferson 60-18
Gross 43-40 23-18 Bellevue East 111-73 100-86 Benson 73-17
Papio/La Vi sta 43-23 35- 17 Mill ard South 93-93 - 100-66 Central 58-12
Abraham Lincoln 31-48 21-08 South 77-15 30-1 1 Westside 49-1 2
45-44 Papio/La Vista 133-49 107-69 Fremont 46-32
38-33 29-14 Lincoln Northeast 92-60 104-62 Burke 64-13
33-30 35-08 Bryan 136-3 1 91-37 Millard South 50-48
apio/LaVi sta 34-22 31-27 Prep/Marian 94-92 119-64 Gross 53-25
athedral 19-13 Jnvitationals North 57-28
ercy 25-35 Ram Relay First First Bryan 63-16
Blair 25-35 Burke Second Fourth Northwest 54-23
Marian 41-38 23-15 Lincoln Southeast Second Fourth Lincoln Northeast 54-36
Westside 42-30 28-23 Metro Second Fifth Papio/LaVista 39-36
Gross 53-50 35-15 State Fifth Sixth Marian 55-43
Marian 41-40 32-18 South 44-34
Won 16 Lost 2 Won 13 Lost 0 Won 15 Lost 0
Winter Stats·····················