Page 218 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 218

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                                                                                                         In  the opening weeks of the season the
                                                                                                         Boys Varsity Basketball team went 4·1 .
                                                                                                         Here,  Senior Heath  Taylor helps  the
                                               Boys Freshmen                       Varsity               team beat Prep.  (Jon  Waller)
                   Fall and Winter stats          Basketball
                   created by  Kyle Marler.           "A" Team                  Wrestling
                                              LaVista               49-35  Westside              30-32      J. V.  Wrestling
                                              Boys Town             72-24  South                 56-12
                                              Gross                 72-44  Kearney               18-41   Westside              63-12
                                              Millard South         50-41  Lincoln East          42-21   South                 71-06
                                              Benson                49-33  Northwest             72-06  Kearney                39-30
                   Boys Varsity               Papio/LaVista         48-32  Bellevue West         54-18   Lincoln East          60-18

                    Basketball                Bryan                 72-40  Thomas Jefferson      41-21   Northwest             51-06

                 Benson               65-33   Creighton Prep        59-58  Benson                65-06  Bellevue West          44-18
                                                                    46-47  Bellevue East
                                              Millard South
                                                                                                 31-26  Thomas Jefferson
                 Millard South        54-45   Lewis Central         73-23  Bryan                 65-11   Benson                54-54
                 Creighton  Prep      54-52   Creighton  Prep       72-59  Invitationals                 Bellevue East         48-25
                 Central              72-84   Gross                 62-44  North               Second  Bryan                   72-00
                 Westside             46-45   Gross                 55-44  South Sioux City      Third  Invitationals
                 Millard South        53-56   Millard South         51-49  Millard South         Third  Wymore               Seventh
                 Northwest            72-54   Burke                 53-37  Burke               Second  Westside              First
                 Gross                61-45          Won 14  Lost I         Norfolk              Third  Clarks               Ninth
                 Burke                60-71                                 Metro                Third  Arlington            Third
                 Bellevue East        49-59          "B"  Team              District            Second  Bellevue East        Second
                 Bryan                54-63   LaVista               32-27   State                Fifth   Bellevue West       Second
                 North                55-45   Millard South         32-26
                Thomas Jefferson      51-40   Gross                 31-30
                 Northwest            55-37   Papio/La Vista        29-25
                 Papio/LaVista        39-40   Bryan                 31-15
                 Lincoln Southeast    54-65   Creighton  Prep       32-33
                 Lincoln Northeast    41-36   Millard South         37-29
                 South                41-55   Creighton  Prep       29-42
                 Creighton  Prep      53-74   Gross                 34-31
                       Won 10  Lost 9         Millard South         47-48
                                                     Won 7 Lost 3

                     Sophmore                       J.V.  Boys
                 Boys Basketball
                                              Bryan                 45-54
                 Gross                73-15  Central                48-49
                 Benson               51-36  Creighton  Prep        43-48
                 Roncalli             90-29  Westside               65-75
                 Creighton  Prep      62-48  Gross                  55-47
                 Westside             50-30  Burke                  49-62
                 Millard South        35-30  Millard South          36-50
                 Burke                49-39  Bellevue East          46-55
                 Bellevue East        56-34  North                  50-48
                 Lincoln Northeast.   51-52  Bryan                  64-59
                 Bryan                45-51   Thomas Jefferson      65-46
                Thomas Jefferson      59-50  Lincoln Southeast      57-62
                 Lewis Central        78-39  Northwest              57-61                                Senior Shane Peterson wrestled  in the
                 Papio/La Vista       53-27  Papio/LaVista          60-45                                165 pound weight division.  He  placed
                                                                                                         sixth at  the  state wrestling meet.
                 South                60-35  South                  54-60                                (Heather Tomczek)
                        Won 12  Lost 2               Won 5 Lost 11
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