Page 27 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 27
Taking time out of their busy school day for a friendly Seniors Melissa Conneii,Erin Buell, and Alice Lin
hug arew Sophomores Dacia Knudson and Jill Latoza feel friends are an import ant part of high school.
(Andy Katzam) (Alice Lin)
Juniors Lisa Schlichtemeier, Ashley Pi xton, Robyn
Lange , and Kim Eastep all have been freinds sin ce the
eighth grade . (Ashley Pixton)
Prove To Be Important
Parents, test scores, teachers, Friends were also there in times
and extra-curricular activities all put pres- of great fun and excitement. Students
sures on students. Students could have could hardly wait until 3:00 Friday. The
had a more difficult time without all the weekends began at that last school bell.
support given by their friend/best friends. Parties and other events had been all
Friends were the ones who ev- planned out and fun times were ahead for
eryone turned to in times of great need all friends.
and assurance. Junior Karen Lovelace Of course joking went along with
said , "My closest friends were like my all those fun times. Senior Ryan Letheby
family to me ." Tough and stressful times said, "Friends are always there to let you
seemed to bring many friends closer know just how ugly your girlfriend really
together. is ." Comments like these were ones that
Anything from needing a shoul- made friends special toward one another.
Natasha Major
der to cry on , to being there for moral Whoever the friend was, you
support, one could always count on could always be assured of one thing
friends. "I went through some tough according to Senior Jenny McCarthy,
times, but my friends were there for me "What makes friends special is how every
every step on of the way," said Junior one of them is unique and each one has
Angie Meier. a different affect on you ."