Page 245 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 245

Jill-                                Life  just won't be the same
                                                               without you around the house.
                          You've grown up to be a              Peace and quiet at long last!
                          beautiful young woman.  We           We'll miss you and your friends.
                          are so proud of you.  You are a      We wish you only the best.
                          very special blessing to  us.        Congratulations!

                                                              Love, Mom, Dad,Rachael, and
                                 Love, Mom and Dad
        Jill  Maas

                                                                                   Kevin, "The real cycle you're
     Niecy-                                                                        working on is a cycle
                                                                                   called'yourself." "The study of the
     Congratulations and good                                                      art of rationaltiy itself.  Working on
     luck.  We have always been                                                    a motorcycle, working well, caring,
     so  proud of you.                                                             is  to  become part of a process, to
                                                                                   achieve an inner peace  of mind.
             Love,                                                                 The motorcycle is  primarily a
      Dad,Mom,Kelli,and Kiana                                                       mental phenomenon."-Robert
                                                                  Kevin Welsh
                                                                                   M.Pirsi  I love  ou!  Mom XO

                                                              Congratulations! It  has been an
                          Amy,                                interesting, but rewarding thirteen
                                                              years.  The first of many mile-
                          Congratulations!  We love you       stones has been reached.  We wish
                          very much.  Go get 'em, kid!        you the best of luck at college.
                                                              We are certain that you will attain
                          Mom, Dad,Shea,and Casey             your goals.
                                                              Mom,Dad,Dolli,Bebe,  &  Winston                        "ยท
                                                                                                      Dawn Fox

                Spidey                                                                We're very proud of you and
                                                                                      wish you the best in  the
                Love,                                                                 years ahead.
      Dad,Mom and your brothers
                                                                                      Love,Mom, Dad,Ann ,and

                                           Josh Nelson           Denice Carlin

                          Lisa,                                 Derek,
                          We love you and are very                      You've filled our lives
                          proud of you!                         with love and laughter, and we
                                                                will miss having you around.
                          Congratulations!                      Good Luck, we're proud  of you.
                          Love, Mom,Dad, and Jodie                      Mom and Dad
                                                                                                     Derek Strohman
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