Page 30 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 30

Bernice Roth (Senior Lindsay Miller). an alcoholic, an c
                                                                                              Ken  De  La  Maize  (Senior  Ryan  Horner)  listen  tc
                                                                                              Bernice's husband (Sophomore Kevin Kelly) talk aboul
                                                                                              a clue that will  lead them right to the killer.
                                                                                               (Dana Zucker)

                                Fall  Plays

                In 1955, Alex (Sarah Williams), Fanny (Anna Bahney).
                and Mary (Melissa Connell) encounter a fortune tell er
                of the future, Madame Nhu (Alice Lin).
                (Sandy Peterson)
                Senior Ryan  Bergmann, who  plays  Eddie  McCuen,
                finds Senior Pete Bergquist, who plays Michael Kelly,
                after he  has been captured  and  tied  up  by  the  killer.
                (Mike Staup)

               Comedy Murders Cast (right):  front- Kevin  Kelly,
               Jana  Hutchison,  Ryan  Horner,  Ryan  Be rgmann;
               second  row- Michelle  Bert,  Elizabeth  Goodbrake,
                Erin  Buell, Lindsay Miller; back- Pete Bergquist, Matt
                Solberg  (Sandy Peterson)

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