Page 31 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 31
Verge Cast (left): front-Ryan Woods, Ali ce Lin , Sam
Pane; second row-Paul Covolo, Matt Solberg, Kevin
Welsh; back-Anna Bahney, Sarah Williams, Melissa
Connell. (Sandy Peterson)
The three Victorian ladies (bottom left), Seniors Anna
Bahney and Melissa Connell, and Sophomore Sarah
Williams, ponder the discoveries of the future.
(Jon Waller)
Senior Melissa Connell, wh o plays Mary Baltimore, a
scientist and anthropologist, is astonished at what she
foresees in the future. (Alex Ghali)
ring On New Challenges
Doing two plays instead of one was my vocabulary and memorization skills."
a new challenge for the drama department. The Musical Comedy Murders of
In past years, the fall production 1940 was a mystery murder that took place
was always a musical but this year the in a country mansion isolated by a blizzard,
musical was switched to the spring so that filled with spies, serial killers, undercover
music director Cindy Nabity could complete agents, and secret passages.
her maternity leave. Senior Erin Buell , who played Nikki
On The Verge and The Musical Crandall, said, "I'm glad I got a chance to do
Comedy Murders of 1940 each brought a murder mystery with so many great people
about a different comedic style. with so much talent."
On The Verge was a comedy about Both plays turned out to be a great
three Victorian women explorers from 1888 success. Director Terry Peterson said,
who find themselves travelling through time "Doing two plays at one time, especially
-Alice Lin to 1955. with ones that are so difficult, took a lot of
Senior Melissa Connell, who time and dedication, and much effort from
played Mary Baltimore, a scientist and an- the casts. I am glad that it all paid off in the
thropologist, said , "Doing this play increased end ."