Page 35 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 35

Ben  Thompson's truck was the place to  meet at  the   SomeĀ· students like Sophomore Dacia Knudson co ul d
   Sophomore  Lee Slate and Junior Aaron McKain go   end of the day for Juniors Dave Ory  and Hal Thomsen.   manage doing 3 to 4 things at once. Here she ta lks on
   to class  after school to get  help  on  homework for   Carpooling  helped the  overcrowding of the  parking   the  phone, paints  her finger  nails,  and  stu dies  her
   class  the  next  day.(A/ex Herr)    lot.  (Dana Zucker)                     Geometry homework.(Michelle Bert)

                                hool  Means Many Activities

                                        there, while others didn't go home until later  dance, karate, and many more were played
                                        in  the  evening.  "I  went to  Oakview,  throughout the  year.  "I  trained  in  karate
                                        Westroads, or any of the mal ls; then I went  between eight and ten hours a week, which
                                        to work. I usually didn't get home until about  took up a lot of my time after school," Junior
                                        9:00p.m. ,"  Senior Jenny Enghauser said .  Heather Donatelle said.
                                                To  also  continue  the  day,  many    After  a  long  school  day,  some
                                        forms of  entertainment took place.  Many   people still  had  homework to  get done that
                                         people slept, worked, watched T.V., talked   evening. Certain people spent many hours
                                        on  the  phone, and  did  homework for  the   on  homework, wh ile  others didn 't.  Senior
                                         next day.                              Heather Hall  said,  "It  depended on  how
       -Angie Rinker                            Other activities that occupied after  much homework I had, but I usually spent
                                         school hours we re sports and clubs. Some  two to two and a half hours a night." On the
         All  classes  were  finished,  home-  practices and  meetings were  after school   other hand, Junior Brian  Kirchhoff said, "I
   vork from  the  day  before had been handed  and a lot of time and hard work were put into   did none to a half an  hour of homework on
   n, books were shoved in lockers and book  club and charity events. Candy,t-shirt, and   a school night. "
   Jags. The  day was  over, or was it?   other sales also took up hours after school   Although  after school  was  sup-
         Many  after  school  activities  took  to  help raise  money for group functions.   posed to be a break, many activities took up
   >lace  throug hou t the  year.  Some students   Sports such  as  football  , baseball,  the time between the final bell and the first
   vent  right  home  and  occupied their time   basketball,  track, golf, swimming, wrestling ,  class  the next morning.
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