Page 33 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 33
Junior Lynn We lch , Senior Heath er Melonis , and At th e infamous tourist trap of Wal l Drug during the
graduate Stephanie Lammert enjoy a boating excursion History trip, Senio r Pete Berg quist gets accqu ai nted
to Megan 's Bay in the Virgin Islands. The bay is with a lady made of fiberglass. ( Alice Lin)
consid ered the third most beautiful beach in the wo rld.
Provides Variety of Trips
students and five teachers took a week long They went in July and went snorkeling, and
trip across Nebraska and into South Da- studied the different climates. Senior Jeff
kota. The trip consisted of stops at Fort Bisbee said, " The trip was well worth the
Robinson, Wounded Knee, Mount $1100 cost because it was neat to experi-
Rushmore, Black Hills and Custer State ence a different environment. Seeing the
Park, the Badlands, Wall Drug, and Buffalo beautiful scenery with the ocean beat the
Bill's Ranch. The students had a chance to flat grasslands of Nebraska anyday!"
talk with a Native American at Wounded Another trip some students took
Knee, explore a cave, observe unique wild- was one to Europe. The trip, costing $2200,
life, canoe the Niobrara, and hike around took students to London, Paris, Lucerne,
several monuments and national parks. Florence, Rome, Munich, and Hiedleburg in
Not only did the students experi- June. It cost about $2200. Over the two
ence the history of the Midwest, but they weeks with chaperones Mr. Thomas and
had the experience of making the trip fun! Mr. Rotella they saw things like the Eiffel
Senior Ryan Letheby said, " It was great. Tower, changing of the guard in London,
- Jill Hoover We saw cheesy tourist traps, wild buffalos Jim Morrison's gravesite, the coliseum in
and ate great fudge! Oh yeah, I guess we Rome, and the Swiss Alps. Senior Brett
saw some historical stuff, too!" Howey said, " It was an experience I'll
Senior Kevin Welsh agreed, he remember forever, but it was nice to come
Imagine hiking in the Black Hills of said his favorite part on looking back on the back home!"
.outh Dakota, snorkeling in the Caribbean, trip was " being with my friends and being Whether it was through the sights
r looking at the city of Paris from the Eiffel able to see nature and the wildlife like it was of the Midwest, the Caribbean, or Europe
ower . These were just a few of the special meant to be . I also learned how to appease the trips provided a great learning experi-
1ome nts that some students experienced the river gods from Mr. Dvorak!" ence for the students and the teachers too!
uring their summer while on a school trip. Through the Biology class, some This was all made possible through school
The History Club made up of 25 students ventured to the Virgin Islands. activities!