Page 36 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 36

Classroom situations were made easier by  having a
                                                                                             close relationship.  Senior Ryan Horner and Kendra
                                                                                             Coufal demonstrate CPR in  Spanish to  their Spanish
                                                                                             class.  (Michelle Cadmus)
                                                                                              Senior Mike Moriarty gives his girlfriend, Sophomore
                                                                                              Nicole  Chapman  a  hug  before  going  off  to  class.
                                                                                              Sometimes it was those little things that made people
                                                                                              feel cared for. (Michelle Cadmus)

                                                      Senior  Ken Beukenhorst and Junior Heather Beasley
                                                      take a couple of minutes to hang out in  the halls and
                                                      catch up  on each other's days.(Michelle Cadmus)

                                                                                             Junior Dave Gonnion and Senior Jamie Clanton find
                                                                                             time after  lunch to take a walk and meet some friends.
                                                                                             (Michelle Cadmus)
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