Page 90 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 90

Leger, Patrick
                                  Lehan, Nicole
                                   Lesley, Cory
                                  Levier, Amber
                                Lewis , Courtney
                               Liberator, Andrea

                                Lindhjem, Alison
                              Lindsey,  Elizabeth
                              Lipshutz, Kimberly
                               Lohman, Bradley
                                Lovelace, Karen
                                 Lowe, Jennifer

                                  Lubbers, Kari
                             Luetkenhaus, Jason
                               Lundgren, Jolene
                                 Lynch, Timothy
                               Maddalena, Anne
                                   Mai , Jessica

                                 Mainz,  Rachel
                                 Manger, Ryan
                             Marchese, Kimberly
                             Marchese, Michaela
                                  Mark, Tiffany
                                Marshall, Jason

                                  Martin,  Mindy
                              Marvel, Christopher
                                Mason, Douglas
                                Mattson, Kirsten
                               Maxwell, Timothy
                              McCauley, Matthew

                                              Planning  was  an  extremely important
                                              part of  the make up of the class.  Math
                                              teacher Alice Foster discusses possible
                                              solutions  to  working out details of  the
                                              mission simulation, while Senior Melissa
                                              Connell and Junior Nicole Cumberland
                                              listen attentively. (Jon  Waller)

                                               Have  a  question? Ask  one  of  the  six
                                              teachers, and  the  answer is  bound to
                                              come up.  Seniors Geren Thurston and
                                              Jenny  Buell ask Physics  teacher Roger
                                               Kassebaum about upcoming due dates.
                                               (J?n  Waller)
                  86        Red  Planet
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