Page 91 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 91
'Red Planet' Learning Experience
-Jenny Winkler
The time had come: Denny Owens, Terry Eicher, and on learning. Answers for for students and teachers
e ducation needed to have a Terry Thielen covered subjects physiology, physics, and math allowed problems to arise
n ew direction and game plan, such as mathematics, physics, problems were usually sought frequently. It was through the
involving all subject areas. How physiology, psychology, history, out on computers.Several willingness of others that
c ould this be done, and capture politics, and communications. teleconferences were held, an flexibility in curriculum and time
the students ' imaginations in the The object for teachers exploration project was given, allottments would easily be
m eantime? By creating an was to create a new learning and possible Mars colonies were changed.
interdisciplinary course that environment in which students created . The good and bad
covered all aspects involving a and teachers learned from each Group work was an aspects of the course proved to
s pace mission to Mars. The other. "It was a great experience important part of the class. "One be a genuine learning
course was called "Reaching Out working with a variety of students of the best experiences of the experience. "We were trying
lo the Red Planet. " and teachers. I learned so much class was the chance to work something new. Anytime new
Six teachers worked from the different perspectives," with a variety of people and learn things are attempted, pain is
together as a team to introduce said Physiology teacher Lori some of the attributes of 'real involved in working out
students to the different subject Bachle. life,"' said Senior Jason problems. However, this is true
areas . Teachers Alice Foster, Class work for students Winterboer. anytime you have growth," said
R oger Kassebaum , Lori Bachle, involved a great deal of hands- The new environment teacher Denny Owens.
McClure, Molly
McComb, Erin
McDonald, Jerome
Mcivor, Elizabeth
McKain, Aaron
Mclaughlin, Angela
McMahon, Shannon
Meier, Angie
Meraz, Raymond
Metcalf, Ryan
Meyer, Jennifer
Mierzejewski, Chris
Miller, Allison
Miller, Derek
Miller, Heather
Miller, John
Miller, Lisa
Miller, Melissa
Milone, Philip
Moertl, Nichole
Molacek, Stacy
Moore, Timothy
Moran, Jason
Morey, Elizabeth
Morrill, Charles
Morrison , Robert
Moseman, Michelle
Moss, Brenda
Munsinger, Lynn
Murthy, Anand