Page 16 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 16

Opposites Attract

                                                                            Friendships ignited among   not?  Some believed it was because
                                                                     a variety of students with different  they  were  different.  "I've been
                                                                     personalities, opinions, and beliefs.   friends with Becky McAndrew since
                                                                     Often friends complemented each   she  moved here  because we  have
                                     riendships                      other.  "I like  people  who  have   opposite personalities. I think I'm
                                                                     different  backgrounds, because it   too stubborn to get along with people
                                                                     makes them unique and our friend-  like me!" sophomore Aspen Blue
                                                                     ship unpredictable," sophomore  said.  Other students knew how to
                                                                     Marci Brookstein said.        find permanent friendships by seek-
                                                                          Others  said  that  they  liked   ing  certain qualities.  "I look for
                                                                     people who shared common inter-  friends who are easy to talk to,  care
                                                                     ests.  "I  like  people who  are  the   about me and like me for who I am,"
                                                                     same as me, because I tend to argue   senior Ann Peterson said.
                                                                     with people who have opposite  per-  The majority enjoyed their
                                                                     sonalities and we don't get along,"   friends because they were trustwor-
                                                                     junior Josh Evans said.       thy,  supportive during difficult
                                                                            Opposite or alike, friend-  times,  loyal,  and  fun.  But,  most
                                                                     ships formed, and  students found   importantly, they  always had fun!
                     · Sll•pi•l v.,,       Opi11io11                 time to spend with each other.  Kids   "I look for friends with a good sense
                                                                     hung out at the mall, the movies or  of humor, because it makes it easier
                  .,,,                  /Ire,  .,.,•••ltl  t•• tlo ••tl   at their homes.  They gossiped and   when things are bad,"  senior Amy
                  II  1•• "•tl24 "••nftl
                                                                     talked  about relationships, prob-
                                                                                                   Zgoda said.  No matter what the
                                                                     lems, and future dreams.
                                                                                                   was for sure, friends were there for
                                                                            Why  were  some friend-  reasons for friendships, one thing
                   -1  Wllnffo  go fo fhe oce11n  fogo tcuh11  diving 11nd go down llf   ships long lasting while others were   each other.  0
                  low llf I c11n go.  I 'd fi'IJ  fo lind 11  new tpeciet tince I 'll he
                  gone in 24  hou1t 11ngw11g .  Theg c11n  n11me  if 11lfe1 me. -
                                        --$ophomote  ~,.!6,/i~IIH•I

                   -1 Wllnffo  f111vel 01 1ide mg hike, w11lk on fhe tidew11lk , 11nd
                  litfenfomutic. -                 --Junio,J•"•l••

                   -1  would like fo f111vel  fo ll11w11ii  lo1 tomefhing lun fo do in
                  mg lilt} hou1t. -     --ftethmllnJ•••f  Slitz•of•l

                   -I'd go fo Amtfe1d11111  hec11ute  I fhink if would he lun. -
                                              --Sen io1 thi'Hff  I••••

                Student  Council Camp was  a
                 memorable experience for seniors
                Michelle Bert and  April  Crow.
                They learned valuable leadership                                                   Colorado was a great spot to shop and try on
                skills and improved their council                                                  cowboy hats  said  sophomores  Ni cki
                 relationships. (Michelle Bert)                                                    McMahon and  Heather  Hol stein.  (Nicki
                Sophomores Lindsay Palmer and
                 Megan  Johnson order Cokes at                                                     Juniors  Carla Baumert,  Meredith  Stone,
                 Uno's Pizza while sharing the latest                                              Jocelyn Walsh, Casey Kirchner, Megan Herr,
                gossip. (Megan Johnson)                                                            and Rachel Hospodka lounge in  front of the
                                                                                                   TV at  Casey's  house.  (Casey Kirchner)
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