Page 24 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 24
Fun, Change Welcotne
Waves of black, blue, Katheryn Kulish. Others thought
green and white filled the school on of it in a different way. "It was more
class color day during spirit week. laid back," said sophomore Mark
The rest of the week was filled with Krickbaum. "I thought it got stu-
hats, pajamas, hippies and group- dents more involved in school," said
iritWeek tes. Spirit week was held the Minarich.
However, some classes
weekbeforeHomecoming(Oct. 11- were more enthusiastic than others.
17) in an effort to get students ex- "I didn't do anything. I thought
cited for the Homecoming football about half the school cared. The
game and dance. seniors cared more about it than
Many students partici- juniors," said junior Dustin
pated in the week's various activi- Gunderson. However, the senior
ties including come as you are day, attitude was more enthusiastic.
generation day, green day, class "Spirit week was awesome! It was
colorday,andapeprally. "!dressed a chance where all the seniors could
up for generation day and all the join together and show the rest of
other days," said junior Joseph the school who they were. Every
Minarich. student looked forward to his/her
Sll•pi•l y,,, Op;,;,, citing week because it offered a senior year when they could wear
Students enjoyed the ex-
black and win the hall decorating
IJ,.,, •• ,, .,, ? change of pace. "It gets everyone contest," senior Heather Moredick
II golltJOIIItltJ"••I• ••• flliiiLW"n wot~ltl go11
prepared, crazy and ready for the
game. The school had a lot of
Overall, the week was a
school spirit," said freshman change of pace for everyone. 0
"My 1ize. I Wllnt to he t111/e,. hec11u1e eve,.gone m11ke1
lun ol me, 11nd 111/ the gug1 I d11te 11,.e t111/e,. th11n me. 11
-Sophomote Ellz•IJ•fll s,.,.,.,
1 would ch11nge Om11h11 . TheM would he lun pl11ce1 to
go lo,. teen1 in Welt Om11h11like 11n 11mu1ement p11,.k o,.
cluh l. II -Senio,. g,.,,., ug
''Ou,. 1chool 1g1tem1 hec11u1e ou,. 1chool 1g1tem1 11,.e
10 111,. behind /,.om molt othe,. indult,.illliz ed coun-
t,.iel. " -Junio,. /141/t•/h,itllf
Spirit Week was full of activities for students
.,..,. ,...... "'
_...._-~. Seniors Austin Riley, Sarah Stanner, And~
Larson, and Troy Kirk help to blacken th<
hallway of the senior side during the hal
decorating contest. (Michelle Bert)
advantage of this privilege. Hats were worn All classes participated in the hall decoratinj
during spirit week in all the many different ways, and advertised many contest. Freshmen Joe Corbitt and Tom Elli'
classes. Senior Chris Lanoha different teams or brands. (Kristin Weisse) put up white streamers for the freshman clas'
and his classmates take color. (Linda Carey)