Page 20 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 20
After School Off.ers
Many Opportunities
After school is a time when Moravec.
many students either have a job to Other people attended work
go to, or go hang out with th eir as soon as school was out. "I taught
fterSchool friends. Seni or Julie Moran volun- rh ythmic and arti sti c gymnasti cs td
teered at Immanel Hospital. Moran 3- 10 year olds,"said seni orMargie
took physical th erapy pati ents O'Malley.
from their rooms to their training Seni or Eri c Park practiced
room for the pati ent's therapy. "I with hi s rugby team on Tuesdays
had a reall y good time helping all of and Thursdays in hopes of gaining a
the pati ents get around the hospi- nati onal team championship. "Even
tal," said Moran. th ough it was tough work,we were
Seni or Jared Moravec also still abl e to go to nati onals in Denver
volunteered, but in a different way. last year and earned an I I th nati onal
He was a volunteer firefi ghter for rank," Parks said.
the Boys Town Fire Dept. "In the unteered, or practi ced sports, theJ
Even if students had jobs, vol·
event of an emergency I go to the
g_,.,;,, y,,, o,;,;,, fire station. I quickly dress and take all fo und creati ves ways to spend a
short summer. 0
my position on the fire truck," said
H , •••• H ;.,,,,,,.,.,. ,.,, ,,.,
~I would go behind the tee net ola movie being made
with Tom Ctuite, ~
~I would go to the White 1/oute and Iitten to Ptetident
Clinton and loll ow him atound to tee what teallg goet on
behind cloted doott, ~
~ I would jump onto a plane to Patit lot a week and wall<
atound to tee all ol the tighn, ~
-FH•II••• S.• BHglofl•
Sophomore Mike Kendal finds Seni or Marcus Graham and junior Amy
time to relax in the 11 - 12 Wozny take a break before they leave forthe
commons area. (Linda Carey) day. (Linda Carey)
Trying to curb their hu nger pai ns,
sophomores Li z Retzer and Briehan Larson
make a selection from the candy mac hine by
th e administrati on office. (Lindy Carey)