Page 25 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 25
Generation day was a new addition to spirit
week. It allowed students to dress up like a
genera ti on they liked. Seniors Andy Carr
and Ryan Flynn wear black wigs in attempt
to create some school spirit. (Kent Barnes)
The colo r for juniors was green. They covered
walls in green and used green balloons and
streamers to create class color spirit. Juniors
Francesca Gasparini and Gretchen Ballard
cover the wall of the junior hallway up to the
ceiling with green paper. (Linda Carey)
Winning the hall decorating contest was The seniors got a tank of helium donated so
nearly impossible for the freshman, but they they could fill black balloons to cover the
worked hard to decorate their area with as ceiling. Seniors Jean Bl oodsworth, Gretchen
much white as possible. Freshmen B.J . Gerki Schultz and Dawn Simmonds help to blacken
and Michael Olgaz attempt tocoverthe brown the hallway by blowing up
doors with white in order to create an all- balloons. (Linda Carey)
white hallway. (Linda Carey)