Page 22 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 22

Cash Flow Vanishes

                                                                               Clothes,  cars,  gifts,  and   learning how to balance checkbook:
                                                                        food were key  items th at depleted   and manage money.  While severa
                                                                        most student s' spending money.   peopl e had no problems with thei
                                                                               "I use most of my  money  checking accounts, others did. "I'vt
                                                                        on my car payment s,  insurance, and   had  my checking account for twt
                                       oney  Matters                    gas," senior Aaron Engle said.   years, and 1  bounce checks becaus<
                                                                               Others said  that cash came  I  forget to  write th em  all  down;
                                                                        in  handy for entertainment as well.   senior Kelly  Small said.
                                                                        "Usually,  I  spend  my  money  on   After students determinet
                                                                        food when I go out with my friends  how to manage their money som•
                                                                        to have a good time," senior Leanna  looked toward their future by sav
                                                                        Ludlow said.                  in g their cash.  "I save my mone:
                                                                               However,  just  having  a   for  coll ege," senior  Shannot
                                                                        steady income  was  important for   Holmes said.
                                                                        one's sense  of independence.  "I    College was  a  popula
                                                                        baby-sit to earn money, and I spend   choice for students,  but there wer•
                                                                        some of it  on  my clothes,"  fresh-  other things to save for.  ''I'm sav
                                                                        man Lori Wilson said .        ing money for a trip to San An tonic
                                                                               Students  a lso  worked  TX  next summer for a  nationa
                          !ll•pilll y,,, Op;,;,,                        around the  house  for  extra  cash.   youth gathering," junior Mat
                                                                                                      Eiden said .
                                                                        "My  parents  usually  give  me  an
                                                                                                             Whether cash was spent
                       D•ttJIIIJ•  MIII•NI Nol'lll  111 ,,..  •tiJ•tJtlr••·   allowance for lunch and gas. I try to   worked  for,  managed,  or saved
                                                                        save some  of th at money for social-
                                                                        izing," junior Sara Skinner said.   everyone had hi s/her own opinio1
                                                                               Part of spending was also   on how to  use it.  0
                      dcle11n , nice,  and helpful.  d
                                           --FMthman  J••••  N•ll•'
                      ~hig, fun , and exciting.  ~
                                           --$eniol'  fflltJ•f  E1111f
                      ~challenging, big,  ant/fun. ~
                                           --Juniol'  J•••ll•1 Colt•

                      dc/'owded,  ll'iendlg , and huge .  d
                                           --F/'ethman  P••l• J•••
                      dfun, exciting, and pl'eppg .  d
                                           --$ophomo/'e  M•11t  r.,.,

                      ddillel'ent,  ll'iendlg,  and cool.  d
                                           --Seniol'  Clt1l1  S.1••

                                                                                                      Studying a Dillard's jewelry ad makes seni•
                                                                                                      Danetta Rose a smart shopper.
                                                                                                      (Becky Evans)
                                                                                                      Senior Melissa Graves shows off her ne
                                                                                                      dress from Lerner's to her friend senior Jessi<
                                                                                                      Bode.  (Andria Skall)
                                                                                                      GNC is a popular store in  Oak view Malt f<
                                                                                                      sophomore Jenni fer Yanderholm.
                                                                                                      (Andria Skaff)
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