Page 26 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 26

Attendance Broken

                                                                              It was a cold ,rainy  night   man Heather Hautzinger said.
                                                                       on Oct.  I 5 when a record number of   The annual video was pre-
                                                                       students" Took a Stroll Down Hol-  sented after royalty was announced
                                                                       lywood  Blvd."                on  the  large television  screen
                                      omecom1ng                               Students council  was  in   brought  in  by a  Sioux City com-
                                                                       charge of the  set up  for the dance   pany, Celebrati ons.  Refreshments
                                                                       and  the  decorations.  "  It was our   were served in the concession stand.
                                                                       goal to  surpass "Gnimocemoh"  in   Then  at  10:30 p.m.  Royalty  was
                                                                       the  quality  of the  event and  by   presented.  King was  Kent Barnes
                                                                       record attendance and positive feed-  and  Queen was  Nicole Brown.
                                                                       back. I  believe we met our goal,"   Seniors Sarah Turner and  Preston
                                                                       said President  Josh Denney.  With   Orner were Duchess and  Duke.
                                                                       1800-2000 students  attending, a   Juniors Warren Hursh  and Emily
                                                                       fourteen year record  was broken.   Dalashmutt were named Prince  and
                                                                              Some of the hi ghli ghts for   Princess.  Sophomore royalty were
                                                                       students were being able to watch   Becky  Smith and  Brian  Schenk.
                                                                       "It's a  Wonderful Life" on  a  bi g   Freshman  royalty  were Michael
                                                                       screen on the north side of the Gym.
                             s,.,;,, y,,, o,;,;,,                      " I thought th at it was really neat to   Ogaz  and Jeriann  Beasley.  AfteJ
                                                                                                     all  of the  royalty  was  announce(
                                                                       have a  movie playing  for Home-
                                                                                                     th e theme song "All  Want is You'
                    W"n 11 , •• , ltl••  .t  til• ,., • .,  tiMo  ffl N•••·   coming. It definitely was an origi-  by U2 was played to  complete the
                                                                       nal idea, but I couldn't hear  it"  fresh-
                                                                                                     ni ght. O
                    6 •• ,.,,
                     "I would wanf fo have a gl'eaf looking  gug pic!< me up,
                     give me  a 1/owel' , and fal<e  me ouf fo an awegome
                     l'effaul'an f,  and jugf have  a gMaf time  f ogefhel' , "
                                              -- fMfhman En•  Wll~•x
                     "I would like fne gil-/ fo come pick me up, fake  me ouf fo
                     a nice l'effaul'anf which  de would pag  lol'.  Then  we
                     would go fo the dance  and have a g,.eaf  time, "
                                                --Seniol' A•tlg h"••

                     'I  would wanf fogo with 1omeone  fhaf I wag ll'iendg
                     with and nof a blind date.  Then  we 'd go fo dinnel' and
                     jugf have tll'eallg lun fime  •

                   As  Seniors Ri ch  McWilliams                                                     Many  people  went to  Homecomin g just
                   and  Molly  Gray get  ready  to                                                   friends like juniors Jeff Spencer and Allis<
                   walk  out on  stage for  royalty,                                                 Yanneet. (Rick Billing)
                   they chat.(Rick Billing)                                                          While  just  stoppin g  to  rest  after dancin
                   Being  wi th  fri ends was a way to                                               junior Jessi Thomsen, seni or Frank Wrigt
                   have a great lime as a group of                                                   sophomore Shann on Rother and junior Care
                   fres hman do here.(Rick Billing)                                                  Smith stop to take a break. (Rick Billing)
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