Page 99 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 99

Ulanday, Jonathan
                                                                                                        Ulanowski, Erin
                                                                                                        Ullrich, Kevin
                                                                                                        Valenti , Douglas
                                                                                                        VanDeursen, Nicole
                                                                                                        Vanderwerff, Kelly
                                                                                                        Vandyke, Scott

                                                                                                        Vaneperen,  Jennifer
                                                                                                        Vantleet, Allison
                                                                                                        Vanhosse,  Peter
                                                                                                        Vanoeveren, Lucas
                                                                                                        Vansloun, Kri stin
                                                                                                        Vaugh, Candace
                                                                                                        Vaugn, Jason

                                                                                                        Vergo, Marc
                                                                                                        Vlieger, Brandt
                                                                                                        Vlock,  ·Daniel
                                                                                                        Wall , Erica
                                                                                                        Waller, Heather
                                                                                                        Walsh, Jocelyn
                                                                                                        Walters, Heather

                                                                                                        Wandel, Thomas
                                                                                                        Wang, Rudy
                                                                                                        Warren, Megan
                                                                                                        Waters, Richard
                                                                                                        Wattier, Eric
                                                                                                        Webb, Suzanne
                                                                                                        Weber, Danie'l'le

   Hobbies  Unique,  Special

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     f  f hether  it was  spoons on  the   and mall  sales to buy my new cards,"
    wall  or  cards  in  an  album,  coll ec-  Mainz said.
    tions  were  special  and  beneficial  to   However,  not  all  students
    students.                   maintained a co ll ection of their own,
          "I collected  baseball  cards.  but many thought they  were impor-
    My  dad  started  me  collecting  them   tant.  Many times work and school
    because  he  collected  them  when  he   got  in  the  way  of hav ing  enough
    was  a  kid ,"  sophomore  Zachary  time  to  collect anything.  "I didn't
    Mainz  said .  Sophomore  Jolene  have  time because I worked,  and  I
    Williamson  collected  for a different  didn 't have an  interest in anything. I
    reason.  "I  collected  spoons  from   did  think  they  were  important be-
    each  state  and  country  1 visited  so  l  cause they showed you  had an inter-
    could  remember  where  I went,"  she   est  in  something,"  Carrie
    said.                       Littlewood  said.  Junior  Jason
          Displayingandbuyingnew   Kirke had  a  simil ar  problem.  "I
    items  for  the  collection  was  part of  didn ' t  collect anything  because  I
    the  responsibility  of  keep ing  it  in   basically didn 't have any  time  be-                       •••
    good  shape.  "I put  my  spoons  on  a  cause I worked a lot and  partied, but
    spoon  board  in  my  room,"  I did  think they  were important be-
    Williamson  said.  "I collect the gui-  cause  it  cou ld  help  a  person  with   Hats could be found at almost any store, event
                                                               or catalog which made them easy to collect.
    tar  pins  from  Hard  Rock  Cafes  and   se lf-respect,"  Kirke said.   Sophomore Eric Wagaman had a collection of
    keep  them  on  my  denim  Hard  Rock   Not every student was ab le   over 25  hats from different  teams, logos and
   jacket,"  senior  Jessica Bode said.   to  have  a collection for  reasons  of   places he visited.  (Andrea Wagaman)
   Mainz  displayed  his  cards  in  an  al-  time or sc hool, but many agreed that
    bum, and  he  was  also  active in  buy-  coll ections  were  a  good  hobby.
    ing  new cards  of his  favorite  players   'They were somethi ng people could
    and  teams . "I went  to  card auctions  show  off,"  Mainz said. 0
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