Page 98 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 98

Stone, Meredith
                   Stroburg, Corey
                    Swanson, Jodi
                  Swart z, Kimberly
                  Swindell, Shawn
                  Swircinski, Kri sti
                    Tech,  Cynthia

                    Tekrony, Eric
                   Terrell , Melissa
                  Tesmer,  Nicholas
                  Thomas, Abigail
                   Thomas, Alison
                    Thomas, Jason
                    Thomas , Yale

                Thompson, Andrew
                  Thompson , David
                  Thompson, Mark
                  Thomsen, Jessica
                   Tichauer, Jayme
                   Timm, Gretchen
                   Timm, Matthew

               Timmons, Christopher
                      Tipler, Eric
                     Toews, Ann
                   Torson, Brooke
                 Tramontozzi, Mark
                    Tuel, Jennifer
                   Turner, Melissa

                                           Collections could  include anything that was
                                           interesting to th e student.  Senior Li sa Lewis
                                           enjoyed many of the Di sney movies, and  as a
                                           result  she  bought the  accommodating story
                                           books.  (Lisa Lewis)
                                           Doll s  were  a  popular item to collect.  Baby
                                          dolls, Barbie doll s or Precious Moments dolls
                                           werehighon the li st of wanted dolls.  Freshman
                                          Carrie Lewis has collected Preciou s Moments
                                          dolls for  two years.  (Lisa Lewis)
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