Page 96 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 96

Rin gling,  Emi ly
                 Roben s,  Carolyn
                Robert son, Mi chael
                Rosenbaum, Stacia
                     Ross, Li sa
                 Rubingh, Jeremy
                Rutherford , Tonya

                    Sakari s, Gina
                   Salomon, Li sa
                   Sal wei, Jaime
                 Salyards,  Keril yn
                  Sanchelli , Stacy
              Santa Maria, Mi chael
                   Schaefer,  Scott

                 Schmidt, Michael
                 Schmolke, Jayson
                    Scholz,  Todd
               Schreiner,  Elizabeth
                   Schroer, Brett
               Schuchardt, Nicholas
                 Schu chart, Daniel

                  Schulz, Jennif er
                Schuman, Matthew
                   Schuman, Tim
                  Schwenk, David
                   Schwisow, Joy
                    Scott, Aaron
                   Sekera, Robert

                                         In  one of the many computer classes offered
                                         at MN, sophomore Anna Trauernicht  learn s
                                         the applicati ons and uses of computers in  and
                                         out of the business world.  (Jen Nervig)
                                         Senior and co-editor-in-chi ef of th e Hoofbeat
                                         Asten Rathbun uses the appli cations on one of
                                         the  new  Power  Mac int osh's  in  laying  out
                                         pages for the newspaper.  Being able to layout
                                         and edit pages on the screen, in stead of cutting
                                         and pasting, was just one of the advant ages of
                                         usin g computers.  (M ichelle Bert)
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