Page 97 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 97
Seize, Amanda
Seuss, Matthew
Severin, Bryan
Severson, Laura
Shannon, Jeff
Silrum, Rebecca
Silverman, Adam
Simeon, Adam
Simmons, Cade
Sinclair, Cory
Siwek, John
Skinner, Sara
Skoumal, Jamie
Slobotski , Jeff
Smith, Caron
Smith, Catherine
Smith, Courtney
Smith, Justin
Smith, Trevor
Smith, Tyler
Sobella, Holly
Sommer, Meghan
Spary, Allan
Spencer, Jeffrey
Spitznagel, S. Joseph
Stadtlander, Troy
Stenstrom, Brian
Coinputers Find Niche
C .faM-j~ Despite all .of the good
omputers, once something
out of the ordinary in schools and qualities of computers, th ere were
seen in only a few departments, were also a few downfalls. Compatibility
now seen in all departments through- of different software and the costs
out the entire building. involved in updatingacomputersys-
Computers, while some- tem were a few of the problems
times difficult to understand and not faced by many who used computers.
always user friendly, did make many The question of user friend-
tasks easier to complete. "The com- liness also came into play. A com-
puters in the journalism department puter never stated a problem in
were immensely helpful. I can't simple Engli sh such as, "the disk or
imagine doing it (laying out and hard drive is too full so no additions
designing pages) the old way," se- can be made on this disk or hard
nior Asten Rathbun said. drive." What the computer actually
Writing reports and papers said was that there is a type-3 trillion
also became simpler due to the edit- error. Now unless one was up on
ing abilities of the computer. "Com- their computer software manuals,
puters make assignments so much they probably were not going to
easier. If you don't have good pen- know what a type-3 trillion error
manship or spelling, it really helps was. For some people this could be
you out," junior Rachel Desantiago considered to be non-user-friendly.
Office secretaries used the laser printer located said. Nevertheless, it was now
in the administration office to print materials "I think it is a lot easier to easier than ever to find a computer
prepared for teachers, parents, and students. use. What I really like is Internet. to help with any project. Whether or
Laser printers gave computer print outs a You can talk to other students about not the project was big or small, it
clea ner more precise edge th an th e older dot
matrix style printers. (Jen Nervi g) their schools," sophomore Jennifer was likely that a computer helped to
Crawford said. complete the task. 0