Page 95 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 95
Peters, Christy
Peters, Daniel
Peterson, Aaron
Peterson, Fawn
Peterson, Stephani e
Petito, Maria
Petru, Shawn
Pl atte, Robin
Pohl , Chri stine
Potter, Samuel
Prater, Brooke
Prendergast, Eli zabeth
Prescott , Nicholas
Ramm , Jessica
Ray, Joseph
Ray, Kendra
Reinke, Mi chelle
Renstrom, Anthony
Rhiley, Dann
Ri ce, Mark
Ri chard son, David
Ri chter, Chad
Richter, Tara
Riddiford, Travis
Ri ed, Rachel
Rimington, Kri stin
Rin g, Erin
Ring, Marisa
Play Goes British, Classic Cast List
Mr. Benn et-----------------Joel Larm a
Mrs. Benn et------------Michelle Bert
Jane Bennet--------Bahareh Hamzehi
w ould you like some tea, saw it enjoyed it. The show defi- Elizabeth Benn et-----Sarah Williams
sir? Ma
'' 'am, would you like to have nitely proved the stereotype wrong," Lydi a Bennet-----Becky McAndrew
a cookie ?" Questions like these senior Sara Richardson said. 'The Mr. Darcy--------------Kevin Bensley
would most likely not be heard at a audience understood the humor Mr. Bingley----------------Justin Ri ce
Mrs. Lucas----~---Katie McWilliams
high school , but the winter pl ay pro- which Jane Austen intended. Ev- Charl otte Lucas----------Kim Poll ard
duction of Prid e and Prejudice of- eryone recognized Austen's satire Mrs. Gardiner-------Sara Ri chardson
fered an exciting change of atmo- of the attitudes regarding social class Mr. Collins---- -----------Kevin Kell y
sphere with a British touch. and status. Those who did attend, Mr. Wickham--------Nick Bandemer
Mi ss Caroline Bingley---------- Holl y
Even though the pl ay car- loved it," said Fischer. McAdams
ried a reputation for being boring by The play, set in the 1700's, Lady Catherine de Beorgh---Andrea
some, every one involved in it worked was a difficult one for the cast since Wall ace
hard to overcome its stereotype. In- there was more conversation than Mr. Fitzwilliam---------Jeff Shannon
Hill, a manservant-------And y Faltin
termi ssion brought an enj oyable actions. "All the actors/actresses Maggie, a maid-----------Holl y Aerts
change of pace. An authentic En- presented their characters realisti- Mrs. Lake, the housekeeper---Day na
gli sh tea was served. "This was cally and with superb energy," Coufal
possible throu gh the Foods II class Fischer said. "The production went I Amand a------------Rachel Hospodka
Belinda---------------Sarah Fri edlund
who baked over 3200 British cook- well , and the leads worked very hard Captain Denny-----------Adam Koch
ies and cakes," director Jan Fischer to present realistic characters," 1 \ Colonel Forster---------Cory Sinclair
said. While the audi ence sipped tea sophomore Cheera Pieper said. Make-up was an important part of Pride and
and nibbled on cookies, the actors The drama department took Prejudice since many students pl ayed th e
and actre sses came out in character a change of pace when they decided part s of old people. Seni or Andria Skaff
transforms seni or Sara Ri chardson to Mrs.
to mingle. to do a classic, but the production Gardiner. (Leah Naple)
Many students involved in was not the only aspect that was
the play said that the audi ences en- classi c. The authentic English tea
joyed the producti on and did not find was done in an effort to make the
it the least bit boring. "Pride and play a classic memory for everyone
Prejudi ce was funn y, and those who who attended. 0