Page 16 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 16
Why Do We Wear It ?
Students' reasons for fashion vary in each individual
• Kelli Mahoney •
Fashion . It forces us to dress to cause they make a statement, ana
impress others , make a statement, start they're not real popular yet." However
a trend, or wear what's in-style just Freshman Ken Jensen said ," I dress the
because it's in-style . way I do because I like it, and it shows
When one starts high school, the way I am."
he/she becomes more conscious about Then there were some who could
what others think of them. What was care less about style and individuality.
worn was a major factor. Freshman They wore what was most comfortable .
Amber Weinacht said, " I wear what's Sen ior Heather Thomas said, " I don't
in style ; yet I don't go by brand names. care if something is necessarily in-style ; I
I wear whatever." wear things because they are comfort-
Although there were those who able and they fit well ."
- broke away from the in-style conformity Most people had certain rea-
fashions and fads. Freshman Jeff Shaw sons for wearing what they wore. It
said , " I like to wear bucket hats be- might have been to make a statement.
Senior Mike Pysh spends a day shooting pictures
in his baggy plaid pants and a t- shirt and
Eastland boots. (Nicolle Cumberland)
Junior Lissa Weibers likes to be comfortable in
jeans and a scoop neck shirt . (KeUi Mahoney)
Junior Megan Downey goes for the more dressed
up look with black leggings and a black and white
jackst from the Limited. (Kelli Mahoney)
12 Fashion