Page 15 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 15

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                                                                                       Your  Summer

                                                                                    Was  Worthwhile

                                                                                   10.  I prepared for  the football  season  that lay
                                                                                   ahead of me.  - junior Jon  Waller

                                                                                   9.  Being  with my mends, cruisin'  the hood, and
                                                                                   chicks  pickin'  us up. -junior Dan Gudenrath

                                                                                   8.  Getting to  know people at N.S.l.  through  fun
                                                                                   card games such as  "inhale and exhale".  -senior
                                                                                   Michelle Clapper

                                                                                   7.  Doing drive by  shootings on unsuspecting
                                                                                   victims  with  my Super Soaker SO(water  gun),  was
                                                                                   a  great way to  pass the  time  between social  events.
                                                                                   -junior B.J.  Ballard

                                                                                   6.  Going  to  Fremont Lakes  to  visit  with  mends.
                                                                                   We  got to  play sand volleyball,  water ski, and
                                                                                   sail(never mind the fact  the boat tipped over).  -
                                                                                   senior Laminda Bush

                                                                                   5.  Going  to  New York  with  my youth group and
                                                                                   playing duck duck goose while waiting for  the
                                                                                   light show at Niagra Falls.  -senior Jenny Cose

                                                                                   4.  Being  able to  go out to  Lake  Okoboji  with my
                                                                                   mends and attempt to  knee board. '  junior Kristy

   Social  Studies  teacher Jeff  Ritz  coached a  girls  all-                     3.  When Valerie  Anns and Michelle  Clapper
   state  basketball team held in  Mexico. Junior                                  threw a  SurPrise  birthday party for  me at Mahoney
   Michelle  Caverhill  represented  this  event from  the                        State Park,  I  had no idea  it,  it  was great!  - senior
   school.  (Michelle  Caverhi/1)                                                 Traci  Gleason
   Seniors  Jenny  Ruegg  and Valerie  Arms  find  that
   Nebraska  Scholars  Institute  provides  them with  the
   chance  to  expand  their  horizons  intellectually  and                       2  Being  able  to  go out with  mends who were
   also  build  strong  friendships .  (Laminda  Bush)                             leaving for  college.  - senior Mike Leslie

                                                                                   1.  What made my summer great was the  fact  that
                                                                                   I had no obligations and a  lnt  of free  time  to  spend
                                                                                   with  mends. - junior Colleen Cooney
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