Page 22 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 22

School Spirit Overcomes

              Junior Tysie  Rogers gives Junior Liz Nielson a hand,
              well. an airplane. to  add to  the theme of their
                                                      Pep Rally Disappointment
              decorating.  (Laminda Bush)

                                                      Sombreros,  pajamas,  and togas;  anything goes for Spirit Week

                                                                                      • Debbi  Eades  •
                                                             School spirit  oozed through ev-  were the the lucky ones to get it.
                                                      ery hall and around every corner.  The         With so  many of the traditions in
                                                      building  grew louder as each of the five  danger of ending, such as the long gone
                                                      spirit days brought the excitement and  Mr. Mustang Contest. the school almost
                                                      the anticipation of the Homecoming  faced a sit-in .  "2100 students shouldn't
                                                      game.                                  have been penalized because of the
                                                             Spirit  week started off with Hat  complaints of two parents who could
                                                      Day.  Yes.  the one and only day to don  have easily sent an umbrella to school
                                                      those highly  forbidden head pieces.   with their child,"  sa id  Junior  Chad
                                                             Those who slept in Tuesday were  Boomgaarden  in  reference to the con-
                                                      thankful for Come As  You  Are  Day.  troversial silly-string .
                                                      Everything from boxers to silk  pajamas        As  for the hall decorating con-
                                                      was worn. "It was really fun because we  test, almost everybody helped by chip-
                                                      got to be so  comfortable all day," said  ping in their extra lunchmoneyfordeco-
                                                    - Sophomore  Alii  Splittgerber.          rations; however, the seniors  and the
                                                             Greek Day fell  on Wednesday.  sophomores tied for the win.  "I really
                                                      Indeed, there was the occasional toga  think  that the underclassmen and the
                                                      along with frat sweatshirts.           juniors need to learn to keep their hall
                                                             Thursday not only brought Class   decorations up at least an hour,  be-
                                                      Color Day, but also the Homecoming  cause it made it a little hard to judge the
                                                      pep rally.  To  the disappointment of  contest when they were all torn down,"
                                                      many students. several traditions  were  said Junior  Olivia Bennett.
                                                      altered, such  as  the obstacle course.        Friday  let everyone show their
                                                      Instead of the four classes  competing,,and
                                                      there were three teams.  Underclass-    silver . AccordingtoJuniorTomDempsey,
                                                      men,upperclassmen,andfacultyfaced "The  spirit at Millard North is  so  strong, it
                                                      each other in teams of two. In addition,  could realign the planets."  Friday night
                                                      it had been customary in the past to silly -  made spirit week even better with a win
                                                      string the freshmen; however, the juniors  over Ralston , 17-0.

               Helping the sophomores in their pursuit of the hall
               d ecoration  vict ory  w a s  So phom ore  Amy   •
               Hartman.  (Melinda DeStafano)          ..


                                                      The  Drill  Team gets the crowd pumped as  they
                                                      perform  their  dance from  Metro.  (Melanie
               1  8
                       Spirit  Week
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