Page 17 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 17
to' It~ rt~l~ns
For Wearing The
Clothes You Do
10. I prefer preppy clothes, as in
jackets with jeans with a t-shirt
underneath, because it helps my outlook
on life. - sophomore Morgan Shaw
9. I like clothes which make me feel
good about myself, like jeans and a t-shirt,
and those that are somewhat non-conformist,
as far as seeing someone else wear the same
thing. -senior Bryan McAdams
8. I like jeans, baggy pants, and
leggings. I don't like skirts because I
can't sit without crossing my legs. Also, I
try not to wear what everyone else is
wearing. -junior Lisa Heitmann
7. I like black, dark fashion because
it's cool and matches with everything.
It's a good color. -sophomore Steve Shin
6. I like to dress really casual because I
see no need to impress anyone with fancy
clothes. -junior Jana Hutchison
5. I like big, baggy clothes with weird,
bright, flourescent colors because you
stand out in a crowd. -senior Barb Hall
4. I like spandex and Hyper-Color
because they are fun to wear and fun to
see on people. -sophomore Jen~i Adamy
3. I love red because it's a power
color. It brings out the best in everyone,
and I've yet to find someone who looks
bad in it. -junior Lindsay Miller
Pondering about life. Junior Matt Solberg breaks
away from the ordinary styles of clothing and
wears a fish around his neck. ( Derik Hendrickson) 2. I like clothing from The Gap because
Junior Jon Waller has a different idea of fashion my brother's girlfriend works there, and I get
with jeans and a Roadrunner and Coyote t-shirt . a discount. -sophomore Joel Hinsey
(Derik Hendrickson)
Fashion can be just wanting to be comfortable 1. I like wearing solid colors especially
as well as looking good as Senior Tanya Patry (left) blue and green. I wear blue to bring out
shows her paper bag jeans and a tunic from the color in my eyes, and I wear green
Umited Express. (Kelli Mahoney) because I think it looks good on me. I like to
dress like a yuppie or a G.Q. guy. -senior
Mike Richart