Page 19 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 19

to' It~ rt~l~ns

                                                                                       How to  Make

                                                                                        A  Statement

                                                                                    10.  I  like  to  wear name brand clothing
                                                                                    because I'm  really  a  "go  with the  flow"
                                                                                    kind of person- sophomore Jill  Swanson
                                                                                    9.  I guess my appearance is  how I make a
                                                                                    statement because I  don't do my hair and
                                                                                    rarely  put on make-up.  I always wear
                                                                                    boxer shorts and sweatshirts. -sophomore
                                                                                    Amy  Ives

                                                                                    8.  I like  to  be  alone and think  I don't try
                                                                                    to  impress other people. - senior Ethan

                                                                                    7.  Most definitely my attitude.  Otherwise
                                                                                    people are just gonna walk all over  you.  -
                                                                                    sophomore Angie Welch

                                                                                    6.  I like  to  be  fashionable .  I don't really
                                                                                    try to  make a  statement.  Besides  people
                                                                                    draw their own conclusions about me.  -
                                                                                    sophomore Ryan Paulson

                                                                                     5.  I know I make a  statement with my hair
                                                                                    because it  is  a  different style  than
                                                                                     everybody else's. - sophomore Adam
                                                                                     4.  My car.  It  is  a  '68  Firebird;  it is  a  sweet
                                                                                     car,  and it  is  worth a  lot of money.  -
                                                                                     sophomore  Ken  Shephard

                                                                                     3.  Probably sports because I like  to  show
                                                                                     what sport I am good in  like  football,  and
                                                                                     it shows more school  spirit.  - freshman  Ben
   Contrary  to  popular belief, string  licorice had                                Lovejoy
   other  uses  besides  eating.  For  Sophomore  Ted
   Graham , these  uses  include shoe  laces which
   become   convenient,  and tasty  too.  (Jon  Wci/el?                              2.  Jewelry because it  doesn't  offend
                                                                                     anybody, and it doesn't cause a  major
                                                                                     problem. - senior Kathy  Lane
   Junior  Christina  Hooper's  car is  covered with
    bumper  stickers  of  causes  she  believes  in.  and the
    advantage  of that besides  expressing  her  opinions,                           1.  My personality  is  what I  try to  make a
   that  there  is  no other  vehicle  like  it.  (Anna  Bd!ney)                     statement with  because I  try to  be  as
                                                                                     outgoing  as possible so  that people won't
    Junior  Matt  Solberg  seems  to express  hmself  best                           think that I'm  stuck up. - sophomore Kelly
    artistically  through  music . singing ,  and playing                            Tichauer
    guitar  with  the  local  band, House  of  Commons.
    (Derik  Hendrickson)

    Sophomore  Allison  Becker  woke  up one moming
    and  decided  to  pierce  her  nose  on  a  whim,  now
    irs  part  of  her  regular  accessories.  (Jon  Waller)
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