Page 20 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 20

Weekend  Fun  Begins
            Senior  Heather  LaVoy  works  at TCBY  located in
            Harvey  Oaks  Plaza . Many students  find  work  to
            be time  consuming.  (Jon  Waller)
                                                    With  Your  Imagination

                                                    You  could find yourself in  a  precarious  position  one  weekend
                                                                                     •  Lori  Saferite  •

                                                                  It  was  Friday!   It  was  3  sitting  in  a  parked car,  a  passing  car
                                                    p.m.  !  It  was  finally  the weekend.  You   ripped off the door on the driver's  side  of
                                                    were free  !  School  was  over for  two  her  car.
                                                    days,  and students  had a  chance to          Scott  Franco  a sophomore. spent
                                                    relax,  recuperate and celebrate.       his  weekends a  little  more normally.  "I
                                                           Did  you  ever wonder what ev-   usually  just  went to a  party .. . after going
                                                    eryone  else  did during  the weekend?  A  to the Nebraska  Football  game."
                                                    high  school  student's  weekend was  filled   However freshman Jeff  Kaiser
                                                    with football games. parties.  movies.  liked  to play basketball with  his  friends .
                                                    cruising  Dodge, bowling, driving  down- or  he would find  a  party.
                                                    town to the Old  Market,  bumming out at       Some  students even admitted
                                                    a  friend's house.  or  a  wide variety of  that they just  hung-out at home on the
                                                    some  not so  normal  activities.       weekends, but who wants  to stay  home
                                                           During  a  weekend camping trip,   on a  Saturday  Night?
                                                    Senior  Chris  Biga  found  himself  in  a  pre-  "No  one ,"  according to Senior
                                                   "(:arious  position.  Stuck  in  his  sleeping  Dennis  Huber .  "  It  might be just  driving
                                                    bag, on top of a  picnic table, he almost   around on  Dodge, or  partying  wtth  your
                                                    rolled  off into a  blazing  campfire.  So   friends,  or  EVEN  bowling.  But  gosh  dam
                                                    much for  enjoying  nature and the great  it,  you  are having a  good time on  a
                                                    outdoors.                               Saturday  Night.  AMEN!"
                                                           Junior  Kathy  Snelling  had a much     Therefore. Saturday Nights  only
                                                    more nerve racking weekend experi-      took a  creative mind to conjure up a
                                                    ence.  One Saturday  night while  she  was   way to fill  weekend time.

            Students  often find  themslves  shopping on their
            weekends due to the variety of stores  in  the
            surrounding  area. Seniors  Geoff Rosenblatt . Gregg
            Cudworth, and Mike  Leslie  look for  the latest  hits  at
            Pickles.  (Mike Pysh)
            Junior  Anna Bahney  takes  advantage of her
            weekend time by rollerskating . This  allows  a  nice
            combination of keeping  in  shape and having
            fun  at the same  time.  (Christina  Hooper  )
            Much to students  dismay, homework did take
            up some  of their  weekend time.  Freshmen
            Jackie Pleuniak  manages to get some  work
            done before going out for  the night.  (Jon

             16     Weekends
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