Page 24 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 24

Mission Not Impossible                                                          As  usual.  the Homecoming royalty has  the spotligh
                                                                                              throughout  the night.  Amy Enewold and Brae
                                                                                              Wendel had the honors of king  and queen.  (Riel
                                                                                              Billings  Photography)
               When  Over  the  Rainbow                                                       Anxious to start  dancing. Senior  Michelle Aller
                                                                                              and Matt Samms  from  Boys  Town  wait patient!)
               This  may  have  been  hard  and  expensive,  but  it  was  all  worth  it     for  the  fun  to  begin.  This  year's Homecoming  son~
                                                                                              was  "When  She
                                                                                                                        (Rick  Billing!
                                         •Cortney Christensen•
                      September 27,  1991 .  Your  mis-  people showed up,  and  everybody
              sion , should  you chose to accept it, is  to  seemed closer."
              have a  great time with  your  date and        Homecoming wasn't  easy for
              friends  at Homecoming.  As  always,  if   Student Council either.  Advisor Kara
              you get dumped,  your peers will  dis-  Bacon  said ,  "We  had some  last  minute
              avow any knowledge of your  existence.  complications like  not being able  to use
              This  paragraph will  self  destruct in  five  the mezzanine,  but everything turned
              seconds.  (Not!)                        out fine."
                      Some  students  may have felt  this   All  the fun  wasn't  limited to the
              degree of pressure , but the main mission   Homecoming dance,  however.  Many
              was  to let loose, and escape Over the  students  went downtown to classy  res-
               Rainbow.                               taurants and attractions.  Senior  Barry
                      This -was  often  hard and expen-  Davis  and five  of his  friends  went stag
              sive  to do,  after choosing an  outfit,  and rented a  limo to chauffer them
              buying  tickets, setting  up dinner reser --..  around town.
              vations ,  and making it  through parent     Senior  Dane Hensley  said,  "The
              picture sess ions .  Often, this  cost  up to  Student Council did a  great job.  The
              eighty dollars  for some.               decorations  were really  good.  I had a
                      However, junior  Colleen  Cooney  great time."
              thought it  was  well  worth it.   "A  lot of   Mission  accomplished!

                                                                                                  Homecoming Royalty

                                                                                                 King ........ ... ...... ..... Brad Wendel
                                                                                                 Queen  .................. Amy  Enewold
                                                                                                Duke .......................  Scott Moller
                                                                                                               Jeff Lewandowski
                                                                                                Duchess ............. Tammy  Swartz
                                                                                                 Prince ..................... Craig  Vanis
                                                                                                 Princess ............... Anna  Bahney
                                                                                                 Sophomores ............ Matt Stigge
                                                                                                                  Mindy Martin
                                                                                                 Freshman ............... Tom  Brady
               Lining  up for  a  formal photograph before the                                                 Kristin Robinson
               dance are Senior  Keri  Zimmerman and Senior
               Ton y  Walter, Senior  Danielle Boba and alumni
               Brook  Hoy, Senior  Michell Hales  and alumni Eric
               Frye ,  Senior Stacy Wilkinson  and alumni Jeff
               Gustafson, and Senior Erin  Schauman and alumni
               Chad Davis.  (Connie Zimmerman)

               Having  fun  with  your friends  is  just  as  fun  as  being
               with  your  date.  Seniors  Kris  Eastep  and Diana Rody
               do just  this after dancing with  their  dates.   (Rick
               Billings  Photography)

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