Page 25 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 25
10, ltl rt~l~hs
To Dump Your
10. If you can hear her conting before you see her.
-junior Matt Ki zzier
9. If he shows up at the front door wearing a pink
and purple polka dot tuxedo. -junior Alice Lin
8. l.f she drooled all over my food at dim1er. -
junior Andy Nathan
7. If he tried to pick up another woman right in
front of me. -senior Stephanie Miley
6. If she chewed gum like a cow, and you could
actually see the layers of makeup. -sophomore
Bri an Pa keiser
5. If the guy just wouldn't shut up about himself'
-junior joey Hawkins
4. If her nose was upside-down and there was
stuff hangi ng out of it -jutti or Todd Royer
3. If we went to a fancy restaurant and he asked to
have Ius chicken deboned before serv~ng. -senior
Ellie-Sue Shpayher
2. l.f she was blond! -junior Brand on Larson
1. If he started to proudly display his wide variety
of "self-protection weapons". -senior Tanya Patry
Senior Amanda Unk and her date Adam Holmes
from Burk e take time out from ttle action to enjoy
some time together. (Rick Billings Photography)
)lo wly but surely. Senior Jeff Lewandowski makes
lis way to the royalty platform The crutches are
1elping him recover from a shin injury. (Nici Pearson)