Page 26 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 26
Today's People More
Conscious of Staying Fit
Exercise videos, diet plans, and health clubs more important
• Kelli Mahoney •
Being fit has become more of down. Freshman Kerry Welsh agreed;
on issue in the nineties because people By being healthy and keeping in shape
hove become more conscious about you'll feel better about yourself. "
staying fit and being healthy. Therefore, Working out was not the th in~
appearance and being in shape were you needed to do to be healthy and ir
important. shape. Eating the right amounts of thE
Port of staying in shape was right types of food was also very impor
through exercise. Exercise was a very tont. All sorts of diet plans existed in thE
important port of the day if you wonted world , but all you really needed to de
to stay in shape. "After workouts I feel was watch what you ate.
great mentally and physically," said Being in shape and being health'
Social Studies Teacher Carmen Grow. was an important port of everyone's life
"Staying in shape is good because it It was done by working out at a gym
helps you feel more confident and look using exercise videos, going on diets, o
more attractive," said Freshman Lisa just practicing careful eating. No onE
Gonzales. plan was the perfect way to remain ir
Not only was staying in shape im- shape, but you could do whoterve
portant, but so was being healthy. Senior worked for you in your lifestyle. Whethe
Bryan Me Adams said, "It's important to you were young or old, it was importon
be fit so your healthy and don't get run- to be healthy and in shape.
go througr
Junior Mark Robe takes a different approach to a a thorough workout. Here he does hang-cleanin~
2 2 Staying Fit workout. He uses boxi ng techniques instead of as Junior Bob Correa spots. (Jon Waller)
weights. (Jon Waller)