Page 28 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 28
Jobs Make Your Wishes
Once Oak Vi ew Mall opened , many students
found new job opportunities there. Sophomore
Laura Hiscock prepares some ic e cream at Tum Into Real Des-ires
Freshens. (Laminda Bush) ll'
Getting all dressed up meant you wanted somewhere to go
• Cortney Christensen •
All dressed up and no place to Sometimes the hours weren't the
go. Well , if you didn't have any cash, only complaints. Senior Casey Morgan
you couldn't go anywhere anyway. This a vet assistance (or "kettle boy") said .
was exactly what some students had in "The worst part of my job was when the
mind when they got jobs. dogs got diarrea."
With all the spending needs of Despite all the disadvantages, i1
teenagers. the money had to come did provide extra money, mostly spen1
from somewhere, and a job was the on gas, food, and clothes. However.
only answer. teens didn't have much choice in the
Junior Tera Hocevar. who is a job market since they had no profes-
Gallup poll interviewer, said , " I like my sional skills . Junior Debbie Eades saic
job because I can schedule my own she 'd rather be a "bungee cord tester.
hours . and I'm paid based on produc- but lately there haven't been any open-
tion." ings.
That would have come in handy Balancing school, work, one
for students who worked whenever they social life was difficult, but it was al
were told Sophomore Gena Deming worth it once pay day arrived Now, no1
said she hated closing at Pizza Hut only were you dressed up, but you alsc
because she had to stay and clean up. had some place to go!
Even though students can not have any job they
want. fast food joints are not the only option.
Junior Jon Sma ll rings up an item for a customer at
Mr. Bulky's. (Laminda Bush)
Answering customer calls is part of many students
jobs. Here, Juni or Mike Poh l answers a questior
over the phone at Team Spirit. (Melanie Goddard,
24 Jobs/ Money For many students . most of their money L~ spent on
pop and candy in the commons area. Here.
Senio r Chrissy Kuzara buys a can of pop for fifty
cents. (Jon Waller)