Page 103 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 103
Pets Unusual, Unique· Senior Dana King takes time to pet Alex
Herr's dog, Betsy. Herr brought his dog
up to school for a moment after an outing
-Dana King to Taco Bell. (Ted Graham)
Pets were common horse almost every day after enjoyed her pet because Chica
things to be found in students' school and in many out of state was entertaining to play with
households. Whenever one horse shows. Welch said she when she did tricks and swam in
would think of someone having hopes to one day participate in the bath tub.
a pet , usually dogs, cats, or fish the Olympic horse contest. Sophomore Mike Dirgo
came to mind . However, other Birds were pets that has several pets. Two of them
pets were common, too. many took a liking to as well. are a five- year-old snake and a
Some students owned Junior Dana Zucker has had a four year old , four-pound alliga-
horses that they either rode for bird, Suki, for over 18 months. tor. Dirgo said that there's not
fun or used in competitions. Zucker listened to her bird's con- much to do with his pets, but he
Senior Debbi Eades has been versations consisting of "Hello," liked having them because no
riding her horse for the past six "Hi, " and "I love you ." one else did.
years. She did both equitation Unusual pets also came No matter what kind of
(style and expertise) and perfor- into homes. Sophomore animal one had for a pet, whether
mance riding . Courtney Lewis has had a ferret common or unique, each pet was
Over the past five years named Chica for about eight special in some way to his/her
Junior Lynn Welch also rode her months. She said she really owner.
Carreon, Carmen
Carroll, Joshua
Carson, Brett
Caverhiii,Mary Kaye
Chapman, James
Chapman, Nicole
Chiou, Amy
Chizek, David
Christian, Randy
Christiansen ,Carey
Chubb, David
Chung, Nayoung
Clemehts. Shea
Cochran, Matthew
Colby, Kiersten
Cole, Wes
Collis, Andrea
Combs, Amber
Constantino, Kim
Crites, Katie
Crone, Michaela
Crow, April