Page 100 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 100

Adair, Jeremy
                     Adams, Aaron
                    Adamy, Jennifer
                    Adamy, Jessica
                     Adler, Gabriel
                    Allen, Elizabeth
                   Alloway, Andrew

                    Alukonis, Chad
                      Alvano, Amy
                   Andersen  ,Angela
                    Anderson, Mark
                    Andresen, Tara

                    Andreski, Laura
                      Antley, Emily
                      Arlt, Anthony
                     Armitage, Jeff
                     Arnold, Lorelle
                       Arvin, Jami
                      Arzt, Jennifer

                     Avino, Steven
                       Axe, Angela
                       Bahl, Jason
                      Bailey, Lance
                        Bair, Brian
                      Barajas, Lea

                 Sophomore Andy Katzman skips out on
                 his class to run  over to the Quik Pik by
                 Sophomore Row  to  get something to
                 help his hunger pains. (Regan Rush)

                 Sophomores Olivia Brown and Michelle
                 Bert skip out of school during their lunch
                 break to have Taco Bell . (Nico/eCollier)

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