Page 98 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 98
Class Gains More Respect,
Comes of Age for Driving
- Kyle Marler/Angie Meier
Becoming a sophomore car were common topics of con- the youngest in the school , sopho-
meant big changes from fresh- versation, For sophomore Jeff mores got the added privilege of
man status. Thune, having friends with driv- dishing out what they had to take
In just one short sum- ers licenses' and access to a lastyear. SophomoreAmyShort
mer, amazing things happened car meant "not having to call enjoyed the opportunity to "get to
to the new sophomores. Friends around to see whose mom pick on the freshmen", but in a
got their drivers licenses. Cur- could pick up. " gentle sort of way.
fews were extended. Upper- Another exciting Although the sopho-
classmen stopped (or at least change that came was the new mores could drive and have more
cut down) on the age jokes. attitudes of the older students. freedom, they still could not park
Furthermore, driving "I felt like I was more respected on campus, or have the privilege
became an issue in sophomores' by the upperclassmen," Sopho- of owning an OC or MOC card ,
lives. Parking on "Sophomore more Jessica Bode said. but it still beat being a lowly fresh-
Row" and who was driving what Along with not being man.
Courtney Gigliotti and Jessica Bode
rush to their fifth hour lifesaving Class.
(Michelle Cadmus)
Tara Ray finds time during her schedule
to do some of her homework which was
due later on in the day. (Michelle
... not having to call
around to see whose
mom could pick up.
--Jeff Thune
9 4 Sophomore Divider