Page 102 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 102
Bridges, Jeff
Briley, Shannon
Brinkman, Troy
Brooks, Scott
Brown, Carmine
Brown, Erin
Brown, Kevin
Brown, Laura
Brown, Maurice
Brown, Nicole
Brown, Olivia
Brownfield ,Rebecca
Bruce, Sarah
Bruland, Michelle
Bruland, Robert
Buechler, Carla
Buell, Brian
Buhrman ,Christqtler
Bybee, Daniel
Cadmus, Jennifer
Cahow, Corrie
Cain, Brian
Caniglia, John
Cano, Michelle
Carl, Kristie
Carlson, Rhonda
Carpenter, Sarah
Junior Heather Miller brought her cat to
school to help her out with her Spanish
presentation. She used the cat to learn
vocabulary about pets and animals.
(Sheila Pedersen )
Senior Debbi Eades competes with her
American Saddlebred, Kirby , in English
riding events throughout the country.
She won several ribbons and trophies
for her performances. Horses and riding
have been an important part of Debbi's
life . (Shari Eades)
98 Pets